Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Let the Record Show

GOOD BRO, JEB!  At the 2nd GOP Presidential Debate at the Reagan Library in beautiful Simi Valley, California, he was asked what his brother George best accomplishment.  Jeb said, "He kept us safe."  Nasty commenters and leftist-leaning Democrats wrote 9/11 happened on Bush's watch.  The American people should remember this:  The Bush Administration just took over the helm from the Clinton Administration on January 21, 2001,  nine months before, after a tumultuous and contentious presidential election.  The new administration was busy with so many things happening at the same time with domestic and foreign policies.

Lest we forget, you idiots and you know who you are,  the bombing of the World Towers in 1996 ?  happened under Bill Clinton and nothing was done about it.  For Hillary Clinton to criticize George W. Bush for not keeping the US safe, it's really the fault of her husband not taking out Osama bin Laden when he could.

About the Iraq War, there's nothing to regret.  The evil Saddam Hussein who gassed the Kurds and massacred his own fellow Iraqis had been hanged.  This is not to diminish the lives of more than 4,000 ? American soldiers who died at a span of 11 years of conflict but compare this to the lives lost of almost 3,000 innocent people in one day of 9/11.

But why go to Iraq when most of the terrorists are from Saudi Arabia?  It was a separate entity.  There's the possibility of WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) in Iraq.  Better safe than sorry.  Didn't Congress approved the Iraq War?

Reagan Library

Recycled Web Page


Wanted: Well-Informed Voter.... Voters of
America, don't just say "Anything but Bush."  A well-informed voter is
an intelligent voter.  My dear relatives and friends - here's my
understanding and yes - take it, leave it or shove it.  So in this
corner....George W. Bush.  And in that left corner...John F.lip-Flop Kerry.

Budget Deficit -
$422 million.  President George W. Bush is a
compassionate conservative.  He cares for
the poor Americans and concerned citizens - he poured large amount of money to
- health, social and environmental programs in many states and cities
governed by wasteful elected Democrats and yes, I must admit,
Republicans. You know, I don't really care because there are many happy
constituent porkers out there in their congressional district.  Good for my
fellow Americans who's fortunate enough to be included in the pork barrel. 
If my neighbor is happy, I'm happy.  Again, look at the long term goal
and vision of the Bush Administration for the $1 billion a week being spent in
Iraq.  In the end, it's a win-win situation.  America and the world
will be a better place - please read my "Mouse Trap" email at my MSN GROUPS Web Sites.

Education -  The No
Child Left Behind program is working.  School children are getting better
grades.  The United States continue to recruit teachers from the
Philippines and some have been teaching in the rural barrios of Texas, in
Waukegan, Illinois and in the tough neighborhood of Bronx, New York.  One
Filipino teacher in Bronx told of his experience how behind his back
students were throwing paper planes, being disrespectful and even calling
him nigger.  You see, teachers in the Philippines are
well-respected and admired and they are addressed by students as "Sir" or
"Ma'am."  They are used to it.  Well, welcome to the American public
school system.  I remember one of my favorite movies of all time To Sir With Love starring the Oscar award winner,
Sidney Poitier.  It's
like that.  I know what you are asking yourself for I asked myself the same
question - "Why is America recruiting teachers from the Philippines and not
Americans? For sure there are many qualified educators here."  The Bronx
teacher said  they were assigned in schools where neighborhood was
bad.  I guess American teachers are scared to go there?  But they
stayed because the pay was better and their families were now with them in their
tiny apartments.  The students were lucky to have these Filipino
teachers because they have many years of experience in teaching English to
Mexican students in Texas and in science and math in city public

Homeland Security - No
attacks since September 12, 2001 thanks to President George W. Bush, The Patriot
Act and a tougher immigration policy. 

Jobs - According to
President George W. Bush and this is well-documented, the unemployment rate of
5.4% is equal or lower than in the 70s, 80s and 90s.  I'm amazed how his
administration accomplished this considering the dotcom bubble, corporate and
airline bankruptcy.  Due to computer technology, the global business is
getting more and more productive.  Increase in productivity means very good
economy.  RE-EDUCATE!  If your job is becoming obsolete go back to
your community college and take these growing occupations - Registered Nurses,
Postsecondary teachers, Food Preparation & Serving Workers, Janitors &
Cleaners, General & Operations Managers and Security Guards.  The
shrinking occupations are - Word Processors & Typist, Secretaries, Computer
Operators, Loan Interviewers & Clerks, Order Clerks and Travel Agents. 
RETIRE! If you don't want to go to school, why heck, take an early retirement
and enjoy the fruit of your wise investment. 

Medicare - George W. Bush
had the courage to reform it with bipartisan votes.  The drug companies
offer help to those most in need through these programs: 

Sharing the Care
helps people with low incomes and no health insurance.  Those who qualify
can get Pfizer drugs for free at 375 community health clinics.  Call
1-800-984-1500 to learn more.

The U Share Prescription
Drug Discount Card
is a new Medicare-approved drug discount card
sponsored and managed by United HealthCare Insurance Company.  Pfizer will
offer significant savings on most Pfizer medicines to people on Medicare through
U Share Card.  Low income people on Medicare will have access to Pfizer
medicines for a flat fee of $15 per prescription for up to a 30-day
supply.  Call 1-800-274-0344 or 1-800-MEDICARE.

-  This trend has been around for a long time.  Growing
up in the Philippines, I know this very well.  America ships raw materials
to shoe, gloves and clothing manufacturers to the Philippines
which helps the economy and the poorest of the poorest of the country.  The
blooming economic power of China and India is impacting the American way of life
- for the better. Outsourcing China is fighting in behalf of the American
consumers.  China keeps the inflation down with Americans being able to buy
cheap clothes, Feng Shui (Wind and Water)
furniture, beautiful home decoration, arts and frames, and inexpensive
hand-tools - boosting our buying power. Most of my favorite stuffs are
Made in China - like real cheap plastic flowers for my beautiful expensive
vase.  China and India are making us go to more rewarding jobs in the form
of higher education and expertise. America is the dominant force in the
fields of medical technology, pharmaceutical research, industrial business,
telecommunications and space exploration. China supports the US
economy in the form of U.S. Treasury securities - $152 billion to date. 
What about Outsourcing India?  This started in the 1990's.  High-tech
companies started sending software-coding and data-entry jobs.  American
insurance companies - by assigning tasks to Indian workers - passed along the
savings to American consumers by cutting the cost of running computer
applications and back-office work of inputting data.  Since then,
call-centers like in the Philippines, computer programmers, software engineers,
network designers and web developers have been outsourced. 
 Outsourcing and offshoring are beneficial to the American economy 
Many jobs will be offshored in the next eleven years and the numbers are
shocking but they're less than one percent of the 138.3 million Americans in the
work force.  According to Sacha Zimmerman, "Even if we could bring
offshored jobs back to the United States through tax incentives or legislation,
nothing can bring back the jobs that are increasingly becoming obsolete." So, America is the prime innovator of the

Social Security - You 78
million Baby Boomers who
are few years away from retirement are in good hands with President George
W. Bush.  You are not going to retire because you like to work. To
stop working, well, it is bad for you.  My former college
professor said "Use it or lose it."  OR YOU DIE! He's still actively
working at age 75.  Some of you would prefer to work than go on
vacation.  Do not worry - Social Security is just as solid today as
yesterday and until 2050.  Really, old retirees don't care much
since they're already enjoying what they'd put in.  How about the challenge
of the other 78 million X-Generation born in the 1980s marching to the job
market.  President George W. Bush has good economic plans in strategizing
and distributing services to global markets and there are plenty to go around if
you'd only look. (I think this paragraph should be under jobs).

Tax Cuts -  Not giving
tax cuts to big corporations and the wealthy is very bad idea and a big
mistake.  John Flip-Flop Kerry wanted only to give tax cuts to the
middle income Americans.  This will backfire because  multi-million
dollar corporations contribute heavily to charities, not-for-profit
organizations like hospitals, education and the nation's economic progress. If
you'd stop to look at the plaques of big donors in hospitals you'd see the names
of big corporations and community banks.  Take Microsoft's Bill &
Melissa Gates Foundation.  It beats the rest of the corporate world like
Coca-Cola Company and General Motors when it comes to giving generous grants to
colleges and universities.  Coca-Cola for instance just pay for the first
year of college.   It's the only company that will pay for the whole
matriculation fee (four years to graduate studies) to poor Black and minority
students.  But with a order to qualify, the applicant must have
excellent grades.  Don't even apply if you have a B+ grade.

War on Terror -  Don't
believe it's " the wrong time and the wrong place" as John Flip-Flop Kerry
says. There is no such thing for the courageous.  Iraq is the right
place and it's a better place without Saddam.  Many years from now, Destiny
and History will be the judge.  Here's one example - the horse-drawn
-carriage industry went bust, except with certain Amish folks in Ohio and
Pennsylvania, when car industry mogul Henry Ford built the assembly line.  The boom-boom and the
zoom-zoom for the auto makers were the MSN technological wonder of
today. This is absolutely indisputable.  Fastback, the reason why the US is
having a hard time is because the soldiers did not get the support of Democrat
ultra-leftists like John Flip-Flop Kerry and Ted Kennedy in the beginning of the
war and in previous wars (Vietnam and Persian Gulf).  They are
constantly undermining President George W. Bush.  Hello? United we
stand and One for All.  However, the $87 billion asked by President George
W. Bush was approved thanks to most Republicans and some Democrats.  No
doubt, his presidential opponent was a divider and not a uniter.

I want to know - what's in the record book
of Sen. John Flip-Flop Kerry?  I want to know in big print his twenty
years in Congress that his friends in the liberal press (Boston Globe, The New
York Times, For-Profit dirt-bag authors from Carly Simon & Schuster
Publishing, Dan Rather of CBS, Peter Jennings of ABC and the list goes on
and on) are not writing and telling and are trying to hide  - maybe
there's plenty or maybe there's nothing to know.   I'll definitely be
tuning in to the presidential debate. When I'm in Texas - FOX  TV CABLE NEWS.  When in
Chicago - PBS WTTW 11  On the radio

For A.L.T. Publication web page of Hot

Published  9/8/04  ALT  MSN Group
Web Page:  Let the Record Show


  1. Arnold is right.  The US economy is strong and the envy of the world.    The Philippines is in financial crisis.  12 million Filipinos (15.2%) are living in   extreme poverty - one of the highest in South East Asia next to Laos (30.4%)   and Cambodia (34.2%). 12,768,000 are living on less than $1 (56 Pesos)   a day.  Compare this to Americans who have 2-3 cars, flat TV, microwave,   cell phone and 1 cup of Starbucks.  Americans, stop whining!

  2.    Shame on Teresa Kerry!  Are we reduced to name calling now? Calling us idiots for not buying her husband's health care plan?

  3. Dear ALTPRES:  On the war on terror, the people and places are different but the message is the same.  On September 28, 1901  -  Filipino revolutionary guerillas in Samar, Philippines massacred an entire military company of the 9th infantry of the United States and only 26 soldiers survived.  Their supply of 28,000 rounds of ammunition fell into the hands of Filipinos.  The Americans in turn decimated the whole of Samar and neighboring provinces into vast conflagration.  Harsh pacification campaign through arbitrary arrests and hamletting followed.  The American government should not listen to protestors and activists of the world community and should not be afraid of being called occupiers.  We know what happened to the Philippines and we know the Americans are the victors.  The cost in lives of US troops would not be as much if only a swift immediate strike of cities with hotbeds of insurgents was done earlier in the game.  The US military should also re-start the game and bomb again the cities surrounding Baghdad.  Saddam Hussein had a strong connection with Palestine giving $25,000 to the suicide bombers there.  Now, they are in Iraq and with the help of his brutal elite Republicans soldiers who killed 300,000 people,  Syrians, Jordanians, Iranians and other Arabs,  are killing hundreds of fellow Iraqis.  Considering the war history of the United States, the Americans will be unrelenting until the bloody fight is ultimately won.  America has done it alone during WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War and now the War on Terror and has always won.   FBPA  
