Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Jeb Bush Family

THAT'S RIGHT!  I'M IMPRESSIONABLE.  THE BUSH FAMILY IS A WORLD-CLASS FAMILY.  Republican presidential candidate Jeb! has an impeccable resume: as a good family man with no secret sex scandals that I know of  and as an outstanding Governor of Florida for 8 years.   

Oh-la-la!  Columba went shopping in Paris but who didn't?  Give her a break.

Recycled Web Page


OBAMA AND DEMOCRATS BLAMING BUSH.   Hell, even the whole country!

Recycled Web Page   @2012



The political wheel has been carefully
greased to the spokes, hub and rims and up and running for the presidential
challenges of the exciting 2008 election.  As a fulltime and conscientious
observer of the American political system and machination, I'm looking and
listening to the comments and opinions of my fellow Republican voters -
Conservatives, Moderates and Neo-Cons.  I'm even receiving bad vibration
from the Democrats about the electability of their own presidential

I'm putting in writing my thoughts and
words in what I have vocalized to my folks and friends all over the United
States of A.  I'm not only prudent but also a pragmatist.  What I've
said are quite the contrary to what some of my fellow Republicans/or
Conservatives are saying and pounding...and who are they?  They are the
radio talk-show pundits and media!

Au contraire, I must say all the
Republican presidential candidates are the best of the best!  Compared with
their Democratic opponents, they are second to none in leadership,
straight-talk, and commitment to the American way of life.  They are not
only good-looking but proven-tested in bad times and good times.  But, as
you know, as my right as a private citizen, I already chose Senator John McCain
of Arizona as the successor of my favorite President George W.  I'm so sad
this is his last year as Chief Executive of the White House and
Commander-in-Chief.  I must accept though that all good things must come to
an end.

If I were Senator John McCain, which I'm

1.  I would keep ignoring the
criticism of the lot of talk-show hosts Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin,
and other Conservatives.  They are very nationalistic and very
patriotic which is a good thing. I would be too if my country is being
invaded illegally. They are on the radio every day and I am not (you are
not).  In my opinion, they are in cahoot with the mainstream media and they
are partly to blame for constantly attacking day by day their fellow
Republicans in Congress on spending and immigration thereby losing some seats in
the 2006 election.  Wrong timing!  Instead of criticizing the Dems who
were just sitting mum and doing nothing, they eat their own kind.  The cost
of freedom is expensive; the comprehensive immigration is not amnesty (although
my own folks say so and I'm outnumbered).  Anyway, keep cool.  They
are really helping the Dems for they are really donkeys in elephant

2.  I, John McCain, may be old but I
was a Vietnam War hero and now a political soldier  One of the important
reasons Robert Dole lost to Bill Clinton was he barely put out there his World
War II heroism. It should be reminded to the folks out there without
sounding like a broken record. That was when the World Trade Center
was bombed and terrorism was being concocted in the Philippines, Africa (Libya,
Somalia) and the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon),
Hence, the Clinton Administration failed in his military leadership.  Why?
Because Bill Clinton did not have the experience and credentials. And back
to Dole... he was so serious and did not smile at all!  So keep
smiling if you're campaigning as President.

3.  Endear yourself to the
Conservatives and Independents without being too obvious; Stop
irritating people like me whose favorites are Vice President Cheney
and former Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld.  Who approved of their
recommendations?  You got it, Commander Bush (Commander Talahib in
Filipino lingo).  If the surge happened 3 or 4 years ago, a whole lot of
American soldiers would have died like in 2007.  The consequence of
that?  The war was so hot and on fire, there would be a hell lot more
of protests and demonstrations to get out of Iraq.  Remember, there is
no such thing as a perfect strategy or plan.

4.  It's a tough pill to swallow to
admit down the road, but voting for the Bush tax cuts
twice was a bad move then.  If I were McCain, it will be an
excellent testament to the Bush legacy and his knowledgeable advisers if
you say..."what was I thinking?!"  You'll endear yourself to the Bush
babies out there .

5.  Money is very important but
political friends by your side, come low and high, are your secret
treasure. Keep them.  There's tit for tat later on...like
ambassadorship or cabinet secretary for their dedication and hard work. 

I must say I lost my thoughts for

Anyway, no matter who the Democrat nominee
is, the one who'll be driving in victory to the White House come January 2009
will be a Republican.  How so?  I consulted the Oracle of Delphi in
2005; the yin-yang of Beijing in 2006; the spirits of Bohemian
kings in 2007.  All converged to a point by mystical proclamation the next
President will be John McCain.  I got Ellen of Arizona and Alexandra of
Chicago voting for McCain already. 

So for now, the political world will keep
on turning.  The road to success is pre-programmed by our own

discourage anyone -- who continually makes progress, no matter how


Really & Truly Right Wing

Published  1/8/08   altgroup  multiply

Web Page:  FBPO 2008


    People! People of America! With my gentle
    persuasion I'm inviting you.... to the RIGHT path of the political way.  As
    I have foreseen with my third eye, the Black Democrats are deeply divided with
    their loyalty - loyalty to their past imaginary Black President (Bill Clinton)
    and loyalty to Illinois Senator B.O, the "Magic Negro."  I must
    say again, my leftist batchmates and friends, Senator Hillary of New York
    has nothing to be afraid of.  So enough already in sending me that
    email.  Senator B.O. is a big multimedia creation, the superhype from
    the very beginning -  from being a rock star ( for me he looks like one of
    those zombies in horror movies), a YouTube sexy beefcake... among other
    things.  He's a phenomenon in the sense that the black magic abracadabra
    put in by the mainstream left-wing media will disappear like the total eclipse
    of the sun sooner than you think.  My dear leftist friends, do not be so
    naïve to think that a very young Black guy from the south side of Chicago with
    no believable experience and impressive resume whatsoever could be elected
    President of the greatest country on earth?  Come on now! Wake up from
    your black magic spell!  As a part-time student of American history,
    it took a Republican President by the name of Abraham Lincoln to cut the
    oppressive chain of Black slavery!  And it took 100 years before Blacks
    & non-whites can vote, mind you.  By the by, may I ask you
    this....where is Oprah?  You bet! She has been intimidated by the Clinton
    sleek machinery.
    Let's cut to the chase.  In the end,
    it a political war between John McCain & Hillary Clinton.  I dearly
    love and admire them all (Mitt, Rudy, Mike, & Fred), all
    good-looking, but I'm begging these Republican presidential
    candidates to quit now, pool their resources and instead give their
    allegiance and support to John McCain. To appease the Three Tenors of
    Conservatism (Limbaugh, Hannity, & Levin), McCain could pick Fred Dalton
    Thompson as his Vice-President; Mitt Romney with all his moolah as
    his cabinet secretary and economic machine.
    Would it be so ironic if John McCain,
    a former Vietnam Prisoner of War (POW), become the next President of the United
    States of A.?  Really and truly, a vindication and a success story of one
    brave soldier of the bloody Vietnam War.  My favorite brother told me he
    suffered a lot in the hands of the Vietnamese Communists because they learned he
    was the son of the Admiral of the Sixth Fleet!!!  COMPARE THAT patriotism
    and heroism with the likes of his Democrat opponents?! NO
    So to all Vietnam War veterans
    and military families, become a winner and vote for John
    It doesn't
    matter where you go in life.  It's who you have beside you.
    <font face

  2. ok ok I'm on your side!

    ----- Original Message ----
    From: B*U*S*T*
    To: ALT ; Budz4ALT ; BUST
    Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:28:50 PM
    Subject: Re: FBPO 2008

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    New Message on B*U*S*T*

    FBPO 2008


    Message 2 in Discussion



    New Message on Association
    of Laboratory Technologists



    Message 4 in Discussion

    From: ALTPresident1

    <font face="Courier" color="#0000

  4. New Message on Association
    of Laboratory Technologists



    Message 9 in Discussion

    From: ALTPresident1

    <font face="Courier New" color="#


    New Message on Association
    of Laboratory Technologists



    Message 10 in

    From: ALTPresident1

    <font face="Courier" color="#0

    From A Bleeding Heart

    New Message on Association
    of Laboratory Technologists



    Message 14 in

    From: ALTPresident1

    <td class="ThmB

    AH HA, AH HA!!  I
    thought I've become pretty cool as Foreign Born Political Observer
    extraordinaire with gifted sixth extra sense but I was so badly mistaken. 
    It's very humbling to know this at my age, really and truly.  It was not
    long ago that I was wondering why former White House spokesman Scott McClellan
    seemed like a moron when answering David "Howdy Doody" Gregory and other members
    of the press.  I said to myself, self, he seemed insipid and such a boring
    spokesman.  I'm ashamed to admit I felt sorry for him when I see him on TV
    because he seemed not to know how to answer and a bit uncomfortable.  You
    know, kind of dumb.  Now we all know.  He was such dirty rat.  Do
    we hear James Cagney say, "You dirty rat!"  Being a rat runs in the
    family.  Didn't he have a brother working for the Bush
    Administration?  If I were the White House I'd be careful.  There
    should be an employee evaluation of feelings about their job performance,
    character and integrity included, every 3 or 6 months.  Then ask the stupid
    idiot to quit if their heart is not in it or better still fire the stupid
    I bet you then and now that Scott
    McClellan (aka Sado Masochist) will be persona-non-grata for all time
    in the Republican Party.  As a Grassroot Republican, what he'd done is a
    mortal sin for not quitting right then and there when he felt that he could not
    be part of the Bush Team anymore.  Let me ask this - is this the first time
    a nano-amoeba press secretary like SM have written a traitorous book? 
    Indeed, we should not be shocked because money or 30 pieces of
    silver is always the bottomline. 
    My favorite Mr.
    President... I have great confidence, forever and always just like before, in
    you knowing that being disappointed in people is part of political life and
    everyday living.  You're in good company - remember it happens to all of us
    even Jesus Christ and 30 pieces of silver.  And...it recently happened with
    Hillary being backstabbed by Bill "Judas" Richardson and Ted "The Swimmer"
    Kennedy.  Excuse me, I'm not a religious Right-Winger but it's so damn hard
    to resist dropping names! 
    Things happen for a reason.  What goes
    around comes around  We've heard this so many times.  In a way, Ted
    Kennedy should make amends now to Hillary and say I'm sorry before
    his instant malignant brain tumor grow full force.  I'm still
    waiting for the bias mainstream media and comedians like Joy Behar, the most
    annoying people of all time in my list, to make vicious fun of him just
    like with Vice President Dick Cheney's heart attacks.  Let me cut
    myself here before I go out of control. 
    A peacefulness follows any decision, even the wrong

    - Rita Mae Brown
    <font face="Edwardian Script ITC" color

    I had a bet with my Iraqi taxi driver here
    in Chicago.  Way back in December, in my flight to the tip of Texas on my
    way to O'Hare International Airport, he told me Hillary Clinton is going to be
    the next President of the United States of A.  I was a little bit surprise
    because for all that the Bush Administration had done for Iraqi freedom, his
    motherland, he would vote for Hillary or any Democrat who'd not lift a finger to
    help the oppressed citizens under a Hitler wannabe regime by the name of Saddam
    Hussein and or of any other country.  That's never been part of the
    democratic program.  In other words, weak on foreign policy but good on
    kiss-ass policy.  I did not ask for it but my Iraqi taxi driver said he'd
    give me a free ride to the airport next time I call his cab.  I
    intend to collect but will he remember?
    What's next with Hillary, my Democrats for
    Hillary friends?  Tough 2 choices for her.  First choice, if I
    were Hillary, which I'm not and will never be, and being a woman, I'd feel I'd
    been betrayed by my own party.  There's never been a woman presidential
    candidate of impeccable qualifications in the history of American politics, at
    least of our generation, and there I was - thrash and cast aside for
    an unqualified and inexperienced Black candidate!  How is that
    fair?  If I were her, for plain and simple reason of revenge, I'd cut my
    umbilical cord with the Democratic Party, become independent and run for
    President on my own terms with my supporters.  This had been done before:
    Martin Luther, a German Roman Catholic priest, did not like what the
    Vatican Pope was doing with all that pray for fee to get to the main gate of the
    kingdom of heaven, and founded his own Lutheran Church.  Well, hey woman,
    if he can do it, you can do it.  This would divide the votes and defeat
    BObama, your archenemy.  Woman, you got your exact revenge!  You don't
    owe any loyalty.  You were a spurned and unrequited lover. What would be
    your good excuse for doing such thing?  Because...."I'm woman."  It's
    in my genes.
    Or, second choice, no matter where you look
    around, the historic major party presidential nominee BObama has no
    choice but to offer you the Vice President position.  Will you
    take the risk and take it?  If I were her which I will never be, I'd say
    no, thank you.  I am woman, I'm more qualified.  You should be under
    me, not you over me.  Oops!  No double entendre. 
    On the other hand,  just in case, in
    the minds of many others, it will be the appropriate and best
    political move for Hillary to say yes as VP -- (Abraham Lincoln,
    JFK, Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Kennedy, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan,
    Pope John Paul II among others).  Do you read and copy? It's a
    wacko world.
    A tough decision.  Being a mystic
    observer of some kind, written and dr
