Friday, August 29, 2014

Simple Cures, Simple Preventions Part I 2006


Recycled Web Page



Part I: Simple Cures, Simple

Here are tidbits of information and potpourri of homemade cures and preventions for old and trendy
diseases.  However, talk to your doctor first before using


Health experts believe the real cause of AD is brain
inflammation.  Toxins slowly accumulate in the brain over the years and the
buildup triggers inflammation that gradually damages brain cells and leads to
memory loss and AD. 

  • Low-cost anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin,
    ibuprofen, and naproxen are used to reduce swelling of arthritis but they may
    ease brain inflammation as well.  According to New England Journal of
    Medicine (NEJM), taking any of these drugs regularly for 2 or more years could
    cut the risk of AD by up to 80% even to those that already have the

  • Have a balance intake of Vitamins B, C & E -
    Lean meats and low-fat dairy products for B12, bananas, potatoes, and green
    veggies for B6, orange juice, and fortified cereals with low-fat milk and
    grains for folate.

  • Have a low-cal diet - Lab study on old mice who'd been
    fed with low cal diet showed fewer signs of aging in their brain cells than
    mice that had been fed with traditional diets.  Have a rainbow meal of
    colorful fruits and memory-boosting antioxidant veggies like carrots and
    mangoes for beta carotene.

  • Skip a little bit on fat and keep fit - People
    who carry the Alzheimer gene Apo E4 are more likely to develop AD if they eat
    high-fat diet.  Take a walk and supply your brain with fresh supply of

  • Stop smoking - It doubles, even quadruples, the risk
    of dementia.

  • Socialize and keep active.


Bees and yellow jackets like me.  They really,
really like me.  One time I was in the yard barbecuing and a honeybee left
a stinger in my thigh.   What I did do:

  • Using a finger remove the transparent hook-like
    stinger before it pumps the venom.  Allergic reaction to bee sting can
    kill in less than an hour.  Bites by bees, wasps, and yellow jackets
    cause more deaths than all other venomous animals like dogs, spiders, and

  • Wash the area with warm water to prevent

  • Mix unseasoned meat tenderizer with water and apply
    the paste to the bite.

  • Hold an ice pack or ice cubes wrapped in paper towel
    on the red swelling for 20 minutes, and then leave it off for 10


How to beat the odds:

  • Enjoy a refreshing drink - Grape juice spritzer (a cup
    of grape juice, half a cup of club soda, a dash of lemon juice, pour over ice
    and bottoms up); banana-carrot or apple smoothie (toss a medium banana and
    half a cup of plain or vanilla yogurt into the blender.  Add 2 cups of
    fresh carrot juice or a cup of apple juice); apple iced tea (place few slices
    of apple in the teapot, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon to taste and add two
    tea bags, pour in 2 cups of boiling water, and steep.); green tea.

  • Soak up the sun - Spend at least 30 minutes a day and
    get a D, the sunshine vitamin.  According to a recent study, women who
    live in the northern part get BC more often than women in the tropics and
    sunny southern part of Europe.

  • No alcohol allowed - According to USDA guidelines,
    even one drink a day can raise the risk of  BC.

  • Control your fat - Obesity, especially abdominal fat,
    is a major risk factor for BC.

  • Get physical after menopause - The risk is cut by 40 %
    by occupational and household activity (using the stairs, walking a block or
    two, loading your own groceries, gardening, sweeping and raking the leaves,
    walking with pets and other activities.


Most burns occur at home. There's the first (top
skin layer), second (deeper), and third (deepest) degree burns.  For
instance, once in a while I get burn (ouch, ouch, ouch!) when I fry chicken and
other meat which I do a lot because it's easy.  What I did do:


  • Lower the temperature setting located at the bottom
    part of the water heater.  Make sure the temperature does not go above
    120 degrees.

  • Use mitten holders for hot pots and pans - They were
    not placed in the kitchen for decorations.

  • Be extra careful with food cooked in a microwave -
    it's cool outside but may be hot inside.

  • Wear rubber gloves and protective eye goggles when
    using household chemicals like oven cleaner.  If you can afford, buy a
    self-cleaning oven.

  • Never use the stove or oven to heat your home.
  • Keep hot cups and food dishes away from the edges of
    counters or table cloths.

  • In fast food drive-in, don't drink hot coffee and
    drive on.  Stop and park.

  • Don't smoke in bed. 
  • Store household chemicals in a high place out of reach
    of children.  Pot handles and iron cords must be placed away from the
    edges of stove and ironing board where a child could reach or pull


  • Run cold water over the burn for 10-15
    minutes.  You can also soak the burned area in cold water or
    cover with wet towels.  Do not use ice.

  • Cover the burn with a gauze bandage.
  • Don't apply butter, mayonnaise, or commercial
    burn ointments.  They slow healing and increase the risk of

  • Don't pop a blister.  It's the body's way
    of protecting the burned tissue.  If one breaks, apply a light layer of
    antibiotic cream.

  • Use common sense.  If it's a bad burn,
    seek medical help.


Everyone gets cold sores.  I've seen worse
case of CS in friends and co-workers.  The herpes simplex virus I (HSVI)
must have been activated and the immune system was under attacked.  There
are homemade remedies beside Abreva.  (Abreva is an
FDA-approved nonprescription medication for CS.  The active ingredient
docosanol does not work by destroying the virus but it changes the skin cells
creating a barrier against the virus.  A tube costs $15.

Here are simple household cures:

  • Lemon balm - According to research, using a
    cream made from this minty herb 4 or 5 times a day cuts the healing time much

  • Eat food rich in zinc such as meat, shellfish,
    beans and grains.  Place zinc lozenge directly on the sore and let it
    dissolve slowly.

  • Break off a tip of a leaf of Aloe vera plant
    (if you got one) and squeeze the gel on the CS.  Apply 3 times a day
    until the sore dries up.  Aloe vera reduces inflammation and fortifies
    the skin with B vitamins, vitamin C, and amino acids.

  • Ice, ice baby - As soon as a sore appears,
    apply ice for 15 minutes a day.  Drinking a cold liquid or sucking a
    frozen popsicle might also work.

  • Got milk?  Dip a soft, clean cloth in milk
    and apply directly to CS.  Do the 5 & 5 - press for 5 seconds and
    remove for 5 seconds.  Continue this process for 5 minutes.  Repeat
    every few hours.  Some experts think the protein in the milk speeds

  • Anal to oral?  Pepto Bismol, the diarrhea
    medicine, might really work on CS.  Strange but one person reports
    getting relief from applying Pepto Bismol when a CS appears.

  • Drink tea.  Additional studies might be
    needed according to Dr. Milton Schiffenbauer of Pace University in New York
    but drinking all kinds of tea, hot or cold, black or green, blended or
    unblended, filtered or unfiltered, and bottled tea drinks like Bigelow
    and Snapple may destroy the CS virus.

  • Take Aspirin.  It's not called the wonder
    drug for nothing.  Take one every day until the symptom

  • Eat yogurt.  Just be sure to buy yogurt
    with live culture of Lactobacillus
    acidophilus and must be refrigerated. Capsules
    are also available in health food store.

  • Take lysine, an amino acid present in wheat
    germ, poultry, pork, cottage cheese, and ricotta cheese.  According
    to doctors at Indiana University Medical School, lysine can prevent CS from
    reappearing in chronic sufferers. Lysine is also available as a supplement at
    many health food stores.

  • Have a well-balanced diet of vitamins - C,
    E, folic acid, and zinc.

Published  5/24/06   ALT  MSN Group

Web Page:  Simple Cures, Simple Preventions  Part I



    Part II: Simple Cures,
    Simple Preventions

    It's so easy to get colds and flu just by shaking hands
    and kissing kids and babies.  Everyone gets the bugs anytime of the
    year.  Antibiotics don't help because they are meant to destroy bacteria
    and not viruses that cause colds and flu.  Here are tips to bring
    relief until they just disappear into thin air after 2-4 weeks:

    Give your throat a good gargle.  Homemade gargles
    you can make if you're out of Listerine - stir a half-teaspoon of salt
    into a cup of water; or dissolve 2 aspirin tablets (not coated, not
    buffered, not acetaminophen) in a glass of warm water; strong tea, either warm
    or cold, contains quercetin, a natural antihistamine that can open a
    stuffy nose.  Histamine is a substance that dilates the capillaries and
    makes the nose clogged. 
    Boil chicken soup - the warm liquid provides relief
    for your symptoms.
    Drink ginger tea - cut 3-4 slices of fresh ginger
    root, add a pint of hot water and simmer for 10-30 minutes.
    Sprinkle cayenne pepper or powder on your favorite
    dish - it numbs your sore throat so you can swallow without pain.
    Drink delicious juice - pomegranate fruit
    common in the Middle East is rich in vitamin C;  warm pineapple juice (8
    ounces) mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey.
    Get addicted to garlic - it gives flavor to food and
    it's an all punch and powerful immunity booster.  It kills bacteria,
    viruses and infectious fungi.
    Everyday people get into deep blue funk once in a blue
    moon.  Many older people, more than half of all American citizens according
    to Gallup poll, suffer from chronic pain and depression that goes with
    it.  Here are simple ways to beat the blues:

    Change you political party - switch and become a
    Republican.  Republicans are always happy and optimistic while Democrats
    are into doom and gloom.
    Listen to music - by aiming your feet to the stereo
    speakers.  Experts say the vibrations will travel from the soles to your
    entire body.  These vibrations may slow the timing of your heartbeat and
    breathing, and reverse the effects of stress and pulse-pounding pain.
    Hum and sing like a hummingbird - humming and singing
    increase the energy and produce endorphins, the body's feel-good


    Part III: Simple Cures, Simple

    Although not usually serious and just maybe due to
    vertigo or motion sickness, it's important to take notice and seek medical help
    when it accompanies one of these critical conditions - heatstroke, carbon
    monoxide poisoning, concussion, brain tumor, atrial fibrillation, bradycardia
    (slow heartbeat - 60 or fewer beats/minute), Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA),
    cervical spondylosis, and labyrinthitis or Meniere's disease (ear noise
    and hearing loss).  Here are simple cures If you are a dizzy Miss

    Drink 2 cups of water to increase your blood
    pressure.  Dizziness is caused by  a drop in blood pressure.
    Eat 6-8 small meals a day.  When traveling on
    a long trip, nibble a little along the way.  Avoid alcohol.
    Put a little extra salt in your food but not too
    Raise the head of your bed to a 30-degree
    Lift yourself up slowly when you wake, and sit on the
    side of the bed for a few minutes before you stand.
    Stay out of the heat, including hot baths
    Wear special elastic stockings or an abdominal corset
    to help keep the blood flowing back to your brain.
    Look into the distance to help your eyes match the
    movement the body and eyes make.
    Don't read in a moving vehicle.
    Press your head firmly against the headrest or use a
    pillow to hold it steady.
    Avoid smoke, strong food and perfume odors.
    Limit your shopping to less than hour or two.
    Drink ginger - it relaxes muscles of the digestive
    system and it won't make you sleepy.
    Food nourishes as well as poisons the body if not
    processed or handled well.   Simple preventions not to get
    sick due to FP:

    Store your leftover food in the refrigerator within 2
    hours at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or less.  If not eaten in 3 days, throw
    them out.  Refrigerate mayonnaise and catsup after they are
    Freeze perishable items.  Check expiration


    Part IV: Simple Cures, Simple

    (Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting and Feeling)

    By age 40, your eyes are gone!  You can't read the
    menu in dim light and everything is blurry.  Then you go to Walgreens or
    Osco to buy cheap ($8) reading glasses.    AMD is the leading
    cause of blindness in people 65 and older.  Prevent AMD by:

    Chomp on carrots - rich in beta carotene, which the
    body changes to vitamin A, an antioxidant that shields the retina from free
    radical damage.  Other carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin,  include
    spinach, kale, turnip, broccoli, zucchini, corn, peas, brussels sprouts, sweet
    potatoes, cantaloupes, and pumpkins.  Add vitamins C (orange juice) and E
    (nuts, seeds) in your diet.
    Take high doses of antioxidant vitamins supplement
    plus zinc - according to a National Eye Institute Age-Related Eye Disease
    Study (AREDS), it helps slow down AMD  by 25%  and lowers the
    risk of vision loss by 19%.  One caveat - too much vitamin A can be toxic
    and may damage your liver.  Check with your doctor.
    Eat less fat  - it clogs up the blood vessels of
    the eyes and can lead to vision loss through a disease called macular
    generation where you lose your central vision needed for driving, reading, and
    seeing objects clearly. 
    Eat tuna, the chicken of the sea - according to a
    Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary study in Boston, fatty fish (salmon,
    mackerel, herring, and omega-3 seafood) diet and no linoleic acid (omega-6
    fatty acid in vegetable oils) lower the risk of AMD.
    Anti-cholesterol medicine like statins have
    antioxidant powers - in a British study, people taking these prescription
    drugs were 11 times less likely to have AMD.
    Wear sunglasses for eye protection
    Can you hear me now?  Is everything a buzz? I must
    confess hard of hearing runs in my family.  My parents have those expensive
    hearing aids but they don't wear them -  uncomfortable they said.  Me,
    myself, have trouble with phone calls.  According to the National Council
    on Aging (NCA), four out of five people with hearing loss don't get help. 
    Don't turn a deaf ear and hear these steps:

    <font color

    Part V: Simple Cures, Simple

    THE 4-H CLUB
    Are you an exclusive member of the 'other ' 4-H
      If you don't know it by now, you are not
    alone.  Simple 'Preparation" 4-H  you can do for:

    How often do you hear "Not tonight
    dearI have a headache?"  Sex and
    stress can give you a headache and an excuse.  Cluster headaches and
    migraines are the most painful kind.  According to a research study,
    80% of people with cluster headaches have sleep apnea, a disorder where you
    temporarily stop breathing several times during the night.  Simple cures to

    Stop smoking and don't drink alcohol. 
    Avoid the sun by wearing a wide-brimmed hat and
    sunglasses.  Drink water or herbal tea.
    Don't skip on your meals.  Pack some snacks if
    you're going on a road trip. 
    Make a list of trigger foods.
    Put a portable ice pack on your head or a warm
    compress on your neck or the back of your head..
    Dental surgery, head injury, and toothache can
    lead to headache.  Surgery may have affected the surrounding nerve tissue
    leading to changes in the brain processes.
    Have a cup of coffee to knock out your tension
    headache.  A study by the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago found
    caffeine to be better than ibuprofen in providing faster pain relief for half
    an hour sooner.   Check over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin
    and acetaminophen, it may already include caffeine as ingredient. 
     The National Headache Foundation recommends limiting to two caffeinated
    beverages a day.
    Take a shower and spray that headache away.
    Massage temples, forehead, shoulders, and neck.

    Sleep in comfort on your king-size bed and
    pillow.  Wear an eye mask to shut out bright light.  Too much sleep
    or lack of it can bring on a headache.
    Burn, baby, burn!  You get that burning feeling,

  5. Coke or water?
    Is all of this factual?????


    #1.   75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
    applies to half the world population.)

    #2. In 37% of Americans, the
    thirst mechanism is so weak
    that it is mistaken for

    Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as 3%.

    #4. One
    glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs
    for almost 100% of the
    dieters studied in a University of
    Washington study.

    #5. Lack of
    water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

    #6. Preliminary research
    indicates that 8-10 glasses of
    water a day could significantly ease back and
    joint pain
    for up to 80% of sufferers.

    #7. A mere 2% drop in body
    water can trigger fuzzy short-term
    memory, trouble with basic math, and
    difficulty focusing on
    the computer screen or on a printed page.

    Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of
    colon cancer by 45%,
    plus it can slash the risk of breast
    cancer by 79%., and one is 50% less
    likely to develop
    bladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of water
    should drink every day?


    #1. In many states the highway patrol carries
    two gallons of
    in the trunk to remove blood from
    the highway after a car

    #2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Coke
    and it will
    be gone in two days.

    #3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into
    toilet bowl and let the "real thing" sit for one hour,
    then flush
    clean. The acids in Coke removes
    stains from vitreous china.

    #4. To
    remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers:
    Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up
    piece of Reynolds
    Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

    #5. To clean
    corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour
    a can of Coca-Cola over the
    terminals to bubble
    away the corrosion.

    #6. To loosen a rusted bolt:
    Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola
    to the rusted bolt for several

    #7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into
    baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake.
    Thirty minutes before
    ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the
    drippings to mix
    with the
    Coke for a
    sumptuous brown gravy.

    #8. To remove grease from clothes:
    Empty a can of Coke
    into the load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and
    through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen
    grease stains.
    It will also clean road haze from your


    #1. the active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid.
    It will
    dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoric
    acid also leaches calcium from
    bones and is a major
    contributor to the rising increase of
    #2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate)
    commercial trucks must use a hazardous Material place
    cards reserved
    for highly corrosive materials.
    #3. The distributors of Coke have been using
    it to clean
    engines of the trucks for about 20 years!
    Now the question is,
    would you like a glass of water?

    Or Coke?
