I am a Republican and a Concientious Voter. If by chance you read this, and you're an Obama follower, by all means, don't read any further. Republicans will always vote Republican and Democrats will vote Democrat. No problem with that because I don't watch the bias TV channels and liberal mainstream media either. Tit for tat.
"Live long and suffer."
10 Bad Things About Obama
(No preferred bad to worse order for everything is bad)
1. 15 trillion government deficit - doubled by Barack Obama from 8 trillion under the whole previous US Presidents and under President Bush. Generations upon generations of Americans will forever pay and suffer for this unsurmountable debts.
2. ObamaCare - This Socialist style of healthcare may work in Europe where people are not multi-national but not in the United States where citizens came from all over the world and have different health needs and options. Is Obama money sufficient to pay for the health insurance of 40 million uninsured Americans - among them 12 million illegal immigrants? Although no one read the 2,000 pages prepared and initiated by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, it was voted yes by the Democrats and voted no by the Republicans. For a change, the Republicans had a spine of steel and not spaghetti. Americans should have high-quality healthcare and excellent doctors. The Department of Health and Human Services announces a decision to issue final regulations that would force practically all employers, including many religious Catholic institutions, to pay for abortion inducing drugs, sterilization, and contraceptions. The regulations struck at the heart of fundamental right to religious liberty.
3. Environmental policy - How is the Obama Administration been able to subsidize $500,000 to Solyndra, maker of solar panels? It went bankrupt last year and four more environmental companies closed. Everything is appropriated through Congress so how did it get approved in the budget?
4. No Obama budget - For more than 1,000 days since he took office in January, 2009. What hutzpah! Even I and other household have a sensible budget.
5. Campaigner-in-chief - He never stopped campaigning, sucking up money from gullible political contributors, going there and there for fundraisings all the time by Air Force One. His First Lady Michelle and kids, while the poor folks are out of a job and going hungry, are always going on separate expensive vacations in Spain, Hawaii and wherever, going around the world with her unending retinue of wardrobe attendants, hairdresser and makeup artist. She is the resurrected Marie Antoinette. I must say she looks like an absolute fashionista. Oh-la-la! C'est magnifique!
6. Skyrocketing gas prices - The Obama 100% solution: Check your tire pressure and have a car tune up! The price of gas in December 2008 was $1.84 because of President Bush's energy policy. His Secretary of Energy (Chu?, let me check the correct name) said the gas price should be increased to $7.00 so folks would be aware of saving gas. It is so laughable. Also, Obama did not approve the Keystone pipeline due to environmental concern.
7. Job unemployment - Before Obama took office the unemployment was 8% under President Bush. With his Hope & Change policy he predicted it will go down below that. But instead it went up to 9.4% because of his lackadaisical program.
8. Downgraded - Under his watch, the US was downgraded from TRIPLE A to DOUBLE A! What?! Oh, no!
9. Immigration - Illegal immigrants, advocates and his fellow Democrats are disappointed with his unfulfilled promise of granting immigration to all illegals - because "according" to the Obama Administration they have deported more illegals who committed crimes than the Bush Administration.
10. Foreign policy - Hey, let the Europeans, Russians and the United Nations have the power. Just let Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton just make pretty speeches. OMG! She looks old. Her job must be draining the energy out of her. She should borrow Michelle's hairdresser and makeup crew.
Okedoke. Don't drink the kool-aid this coming November.
Do the right thing.
Be a well-informed voter.
TALKING TO MYSELF: Self, can't wait for things to be over. But, I still can take it until 2016 under Obama and the Democrats. Soon and very soon the better and I can sing happy days are here again.