FEBRUARY 16, 2015 MR. TRUMP WITH REAL HAIR NOT A TOUPEE CHOSE TV HOST LEEZA GIBBONS OVER FOXY GERALDO RIVERA AS HIS NEW APPRENTICE. Geraldo should have featured Al Capone's vault in one of his projects to win. Anyway, for next season of Celebrity Apprentice Mr. Trump should contact Hair Men of America as one of contestant project ads.
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Recycled Web Page
I'm pretty sure Bret Michaels of Poison will be hired not fired. Why? Not because he's sick or sympathy but because of his charitable cause - diabetes. Although autism cause is very popular with rich Hollywood celebrities and former NBC chairman & family who have autistic children (the reason why Ms. Holly Robinson Peete raised a lot of money), still diabetes is more needing of money.
Morever, Bret was fun to watch and I enjoyed all his joy and passion. I luv his bandanna, too!
Will The Donald make the right pick? Let's watch tonight...
Published 5/23/10 altgroup multiply
Web Page: Celebrity Apprentice Finale
Mr. Trump made the right and bright decision. You gotta have a heart in business, too!