Monday, March 23, 2015

Back Problem

X-RAYS BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENT OF SCOLIOSIS    PATIENT LOOKED TALLER ALSO.  How much does it cost for the surgery?  Does ObamaCare cover the whole thing?

Recycled Web Page


Me, oh my, Obama and the Democrats just keep on going with their socialized health spread agenda.
Open your eyes, people! A government healthcare is a corrupt healthcare.  How so? I'll tell you how so: This is what's happening right now in my favorite country of Greece, almost bankrupt I heard.  Although I don't believe it just because it's so rich in historical resources and attractions.  Greece has socialized medicine and with it comes bribery and government corruption.  A patient had to bribe a doctor $500 to be put in front of the line and be operated tomorrow instead of waiting 2 months at the least.  Doctors who went to medical school for 8 to 10 years are paid less and had to increase their income by working more hours in the evening.  Would you like being examined by a tired and sleepless doctor?  How about the quality of care? In socialized medicine, it's quantity not quality, you fool! 
It's hard for me to understand why intelligent Americans voted for Obama and the Democrats.  Yeah, someone told me, "I'll vote for him and if he doesn't do good with his promises I'll not vote for him next time." Okay, but I have a sixth sense! Professor Obama was all hype, no executive experience, not a commander-in-chief material (no passion in winning the war) and very lucky enough because of the color of his skin to be under the protective custody of the liberal mainstream media who hated Ronald Reagan and George W and Sarah Palin.  Presidential candidate McCain who can talk (I disagree with my fellow Republicans and Conservatives) was over-hyped by the Obama campaign.
Let's see if Obama will be able to live the hypes.
I don't see.

Published 2/7/10  altgroup multiply
Web Page: Socialist Healthcare of Obama & The Democrats

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