One joke concerned a traveler whose car broke down at the edge of a lonely, barren region. The only refuge was a monastery and the only transport the monks could offer the man was a donkey. The traveler insisted on continuing his journey, so the monks explained that to manage the animal, the man must remember to say, "Amen, Amen," when he wanted it to stop, but "Thank God, thank God" when he wanted it to go forward. All went well until a precipice loomed before him, and the nervous man remembered just in time to shout "Amen, Amen." The donkey stopped at the very edge of the precipice. The relieved man said, "Thank God, thank God," and over they plunged.
There is a true joke in Calcutta about abortion and children:

Only Mother Teresa could make a joke about death. There was a civil war going on in Amman, Jordan in September 1970. Mother Teresa and the Sisters had just founded a house in the Arab community - the first in the Middle East. Mother Teresa, after staying for six weeks left for India. Back in Amman, the violence was raging on and one night the bombing got too close. The Sisters got hold of a phone and called Mother Teresa long distance. They told me about the violence, and they wanted to know if they should stay. I listened to them and we talked it over. They were willing to stay there. Before hanging up, I said, 'Call me up when you are dead.'
Gutsy Mother Teresa with wry humor: Terence Cardinal Cooke informed her that the Archdiocese of New York was ready to give a grant for their support at South Bronx, mostly helping Hispanics from Puerto Rico and blacks. He would give five hundred dollars a month for each Sister. Mother Teresa, rejected the offer and said to him, "Do you think, Your Eminence, that God is going to become bankrupt in New York?" Well, God did not declare bankruptcy but New York did and had to be bailed out by the U.S. Government.
[Mother Teresa was very explicit in not soliciting and collecting money for work. She said, I don't want it to become a business, but to remain a work of love]
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