OR IS IT OLD BOYS? LA Boy Joe (far left), Lolo Joe to his many relatives, emigrated to America from Ilocos Sur, Philippines in the late 1920's when he was just 16 years old. It was not very clear how he was able to be a legal immigrant but I overheard he was sponsored by a kind-hearted American. He first worked in a salmon fishery in Alaska. He then moved and settled in Seattle, Washington, working in different odd jobs. The other LA Boys -Cirilo, Marino and Crispin joined him later after being called by him to try their luck in America. The rest is too much family history to tell.
All I know is I have probably 2,000 or more relatives living in the State of California and all of them are Democrats, if they ever vote. I'm the only Republican in the family for obvious reason. Why and how so? California has very good pork barrel and social programs for immigrants, legal and illegal. It can afford it because California is the 8th largest economy in the world. I always hear California is going bankrupt. However, the economy is always turning around and all that is needed is good management. I don't accept the warning that the United States will be second banana to Communist China. I don't understand why America haters like the mainstream media (we know who they are) always underestimating America. It just pisses me off! Without food from America (50 States so rich and abundant in agriculture, forestry and other human resources) the whole world will go hungry. Just watch! American's secret weapon - FOOD.
America Number 1.

Family gathering is non-stop happening.

A Filipino named Don, who is from Bicol came to the United States with a tourist visa to visit his rich uncle. One day his uncle asked him to fill up his green car. He pulled to an Exxon gas station and stopped at the next vacant pump. The cashier called his attention thru the pump intercom, "Green car, pay first." Most gas station nowadays has a "pay first" policy since there has been a rash of dishonest drivers who sped off as soon as he topped off the gas tank. Soon after he heard the clerk, he remembered that his "green card" had expired two days earlier. Nervous and apprehensive as he was, he thought that someone was asking for his green card and papers. Without taking any gas, he took off and stopped at the next public telephone. As he was talking to his uncle, a cop showed up to use the phone, because the patrol car's mobile intercom does not work right and has an annoying statics. Waiting for a minute, the cop impatiently asked him, "Are you done?" Man, he said to himself this cop even knows my name. Apparently, the cop sensed that the man appears to be nervous, saying "Be cool, man - be cool," in order to calm him down. Don became more afraid as he thought the cop mentioned the word Bicol. Fearing he would be arrested for overstaying, he hang up the phone with a guilty look on his face, he walked off and run back to his car. The cop was puzzled as if the man had committed a petty crime. After Don left the phone booth, he went to church to pray. As he went in he heard the priest in a loud voice say, "Huli, Huli, Huli" (Catch, Catch, Catch in Tagalog). So he took off running, thinking the immigration officers are near. He went home to his uncle's house, never to go out again. He did not know the priest was from Cebu and who had a heavy English accent. He said, "Holy, Holy, Holy."
The end.

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