Maze: Global Warming? Not!
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven...."
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Ubiquitous Old Man Winter is back! December 4th, Saturday, was the first day of snowfall where I was. Tiny kids in my neighborhood made big and little snowman.
Needless to say, global warming is just but a hoax in my opinion! The time and every purpose under heaven? To enrich the wallets of Al Gore, the global warming community of believers and his Hollywood friends. To these environmentalist wackos it's nothing but business and cash is king. I don't believe for a minute they care for look at their homes - they are the ones who waste so much. Not me, I recycle as much as possible! Winter is seasonal like spring, summer and fall. And Mother Nature has her way of correcting the events of inevitable things.

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