Discovering the tranquil region and the beautiful Golan Heights. After breakfast we boarded a wooden boat and sailed on the Sea of Galilee as the disciples did 2,000 years ago.
Jesus after driven away from Nazareth went to Galilee where He was successful as a "Fisherman."
Sea of Galilee - American Flag Raising
Jesus Boat Singer - Shalom!
Sea of Galilee - Dancing the Hava Nagila
Jesus Boat Singer in Galilee
Sea of Galilee - Last Dance on Jesus Boat
I did not know that "tilapia" is Peter's fish. Did you know that? I did not know that! No wonder I like to eat it. Crispy Fried, of course!
We then went to Tabqha - the site of the feeding of the 5,000 and Primacy of Peter (Matthew 13, Mark . 33-45, & John 21).
The Church of Multiplication with its 4th century mosaic floor.
Mount of Beatitudes Today
The Eight Blessings According to St. Matthew
1. How blest are the poor in spirit; the reign of God is theirs.
2. Blest too are the sorrowing; they shall be consoled.
3. Blest are the lowly; they shall inherit the land.
4. Blest are they who hunger and thirst for holiness; they shall have their fill.
5. Blest are they who show mercy; mercy shall be theirs.
6. Blest are the single-hearted for they shall see God.
7. Blest too are the peacemakers; they shall be called sons of God.
8. Blest are those persecuted for holiness' sake; the reign of God is theirs.
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