Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Great Environmental Disaster


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Oh, my! How long since that big blow up in the Gulf of Louisiana?  Almost 2 months?  Where is the urgency that we saw during Katrina?  There were protests and finger pointing all over by blacks, Hollywood celebrities and Democrats who pounced unrelentingly at George W?  Blaming him until now?  And look at these Republican pundits in the media giving Obama a pass, saying it's not his fault at all for his lackadaisical attitude at what's happening down at the gulf.  I don't remember liberal pundits and Democrats being so forgiving of George W!  If I remember well, they were all so nasty and malevolent calling him names under the sun.  Where are the fundraising, the TV shows to raise money for protecting the shores and sea life? Where are the Hollywood celebrities and environmental wackos?  In my opinion the Obama Administration and their liberal cults should stop blaming the previous Republican administrations, particularly George W.  My goodness, if Obama keeps opining why did he run as president?  Oh, yeah, that's right, he's cool!
I want to know what's the reason for the explosion, killing 11 people.  Why it happened after all these years in being there and what were they doing and changing to have an effect miles down below the sea?  Think of the crude oil escaping day after day causing havoc to the environment.  Again, where are the so-called environmentalists in the Obama Administration?  I don't see them in the mainstream media.  I'll tell you why - they are all in cahoots with British Petroleum - the green ads and TV commercials.
This is the consequence of electing an academic elitist with no practical and very little  experience in socio-economic programs. It's all theoretical.  What a debacle in banking, in healthcare, in  immigration, in environmental solutions and in foreign policies.
II read the greatest paradox of ecology: "How to imagine that we can have an impact on the planet when the forces of nature exceed us completely."  There are 20 million species currently living in the oceans.
I'm the eternal optimist.  Mother Nature has her way and everything will be as deep blue as before.

Published  6/14/10   altgroup  multiply
Web Page:  A Great Environmental

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