- Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims
- Rush Revere and the American Revolution
- Rush Revere and the First Patriots
Recycled Web Page
Previously Published March 4, 2009 altgroup website
What was I thinkin?! True then, true now!
Listen, I have been a Limbaugh Listener since 1989. That is a long time of many years of useful political information and what nots. It's very convenient for multitasker like me to listen to him because he's on the air on WLSam Chicago from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, I get a lot of things done -- cooking, eating, house cleaning, watering the plants, doing cultures when working, looking at my computer, going and driving around town to run my errands.

I think I know Rush Limbaugh a little - Conservatism is his one and only passion. He's the Truth and Doctor of Democracy, 100% Right, and the Lovable Fuzzball rolled into one.
Oops! I was listening the other day...Limbaugh's ears and cochlear implants had been tweaked by Michael Steele, the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), calling him an "entertainer" in an interview. Limbaugh did not like the sound of that. Giggles. Like I said, he maybe a broadcast entertainer but I have perceived a long time ago, he's 99% serious and critical Conservative and 1% talent on loan from God.
Why I like Rush Limbaugh is I agree with everything he say because he's getting the trails of my thoughts! For many other reasons, I like Obama to fail. Tit for tat for me. If you'd like to know more, just think how the Democrats and the Bush haters wanted and put all barricades to make my beloved and favorite President George W fail - from the War on Terror to the economic meltdown we're experiencing today. You know this is so unreasonable and unfair. I'm so tired and sick of media pundits, Democrats and Republicans alike, criticizing the Bush policies. Morons! Yeah, I'm into name calling, so what? These idiot people were not in the Executive chair. I liked and supported 100% all of the President's decisions - he raised us up and uplifted this nation from the dotcom bubble, 9/11, his patriotic wars in the pursuit of Democracy and protected the homeland from another attack. About his spending on education and medicare? He had to spend what he had to spend. What do these Republican Conservatives want him to do with the money? Eat the whole crap?

In truth, it's 6 years of successful administration until the Democrats took over in 2006. They were in charge and everything went down the toilet. This past election, the American people were fooled again by voting liberal elitist Obama as President when he's the enemy of capitalism and the enemy of Wall Street. How so? More than half of uninformed and infatuated American voters picked an inexperienced African-American for history's sake and color when not even a drop of slave blood flows in his veins and arteries. To boot, the Obama Administration is a hideout of tax cheaters.
Dittohead Corner

Published 12/5/12 altgroup multiply
Web Page: Limbaugh Listener
yep. obama the scholar is finding the practicality of things and reality of life now. be careful what you wish for to get elected. that includes rahmbo.