BELIEVE. What does it mean to you and me? It means to have faith; to have confidence in the truth, value or existence of something. In order to be believed, one has to make a statement that is true and believable and based on facts. One may believe but with it comes doubt. Four years ago, the American people believed in "Hope and Change" - the election campaign of Obama's Democratic party. With the help of the academic elites, popular Hollywood celebrities and the liberal mainstream media, Obama wowed the American people, blacks and whites alike. I said to myself, self, what was all the hypes? Why vote for someone who had no qualified experience in the economic sense and who was purported to be a socialist marxist? I was proven wrong after all. How so? He was quite successful in most of his promises: the auto bailout, the 5 trillion stimuli to environmental friends and cronies, the repeal of "Don't ask, don't tell", the ObamaCare law, no oil pipelines, the Osama bin Laden killing, the Gay wedding, the Dream Act, among other secret acts that I have no knowledge of. One thing that was not a mission accomplished in his bucket list - to close Guantanamo Bay prison. I don't credit him in bringing the soldiers from the Iraq War for it is bound to be ending anyway. Although he claimed the Afghanistan War to be his own kind of war, he was detached as a Commander-in-Chief and I have the sense that he's not very active since he gave the date of final exit. Why would you tell your enemy you're done fighting and leaving?

Mitt Romney in his presidential acceptance speech said that he wished Obama had "succeeded." I have a different opinion - Obama was successful. So, the folks who voted for him in the 2008 election are happy and no doubt would vote for him this coming November. The big electoral states of California, Illinois and New York are slam-dunk for Obama. One day I was telling my good friend who's also from Illinois, what is the use of me voting Republican who came from the 9th Congressional District of Evanston (Illinois) which is a Democrat bastion? Where, at the polling place I'm the only Republican. I did not realize when she replied, "But your presidential candidate won!" Yes, other states, swing or conservative, voted for my candidate. I hope to be amazed this coming election that the remaining contested 47 states will finally accept that the guy who's sitting at the White House at this moment is a failed leader when it comes to JOBs, JOBS, JOBS!!!

I believe that Romney will deliver 12 million jobs to US if or when he becomes the President of the United States of America. I heard Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will print more money come Friday, the day after the DNC, in order to remain under the payroll of Obama if re-elected for four more years. I have no idea if this is true. The DNC theme in this election is FORWARD. Forward to where? Isn't it better to change direction when things are bad and wrong for the nation? Honey BO BO's friends will shout in Charlotte - KEEP THE HYPES ALIVE! KEEP THE HYPES ALIVE!
Mitt Romney: Real and True
The liberal media and pundits, obnoxious and unreasonable as usual, keep telling the American people that they still do not know the guy, after everything that was related at the GOP convention. These are the same people who did not vet Obama at all at the last election.
VP Nominee Paul Ryan
The dynamic duo are reformers - with their conservative budget and business mindedness - together they can make tomorrow for future generations brighter and clearer.
Janna and Ann
The wind beneath their wings.
Love of Family - It's a good thing!
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