Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Michelle Obama on Vacation

WHEN IT COMES TO LAVISH VACATION TO GO, MICHELLE OBAMA TOPS ALL PREVIOUS FIRST LADIES WITH HER MULTIPLE ENTOURAGE AND OBSCENE EXTRAVAGANCE.  However, without her too-expensive vogue-ish gowns, she just looked like the ordinary folks like us  in her states of Obama Empire.  I've seen my friends wear the same dress but probably a copy of the dress she's wearing.  I must say there's one thing missing.  For her to wear a crown is great but I prefer for her as an observer, being the fashion icon of our time, she should wear a hat, also. I've never seen a photo of hers wearing a hat during summer and winter season.  I guess, wearing a hat became a thing of the past with Jackie Kennedy. 

Oops! Fashion error: Don't let the camera take your big behind.


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