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This goes to show there are voter's fraud where democratic election lives.

Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2012 21:59:11 -0700
From: joe
Subject: Fw: Hidden Camera in Minn - OMG!!! Wait til you see this!!! Must see!!
OMG!!! Wait til you see this!!!
Please take a few minutes to watch this...........Disgusting
The United Socialist States of America, Emperor Obama!! at your service...WE are witnessing the downfall of the greatest country in the world..
For those of you who don't pay attention to the National Football League
Tim Tebow and Tom Brady are both well known star quarterback players.
Neither one lives in Minnesota.
The first 60 seconds tells the story!
Want to see EXACTLY how Barry will win this election!!!!!!!This is why the Just-Us Department, under Eric Holder, will do everything to stop voter ID. If you are unaware, Eric Holder is attempting to stop Florida from purging a few hundred thousand illegal, dead, felons from the voter rolls. Florida is using information supplied by the Department of Homeland Security (aka, America’s KGB) to ascertain who should or should not be on the rolls yet Holder is attempting to stop them.
I wonder why. Well I really don’t because the only way communists can get elected in this country is to run under the democrat banner, be protected by the MSM and get as many illegal voters into the polling places as possible.OH MY! ALL OF OBAMA’S ACORN VOLUNTEERS WILL BE OUT COLLECTING STACKS OF ABSENTEE VOTER FORMS TO FILL IN TO VOTE FOR OBAMA WITHOUT ANY IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED ---
THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.THE FIX IS IN! NO WONDER THE DEMOCRATS DO NOT WANT THE STATES TO REQUIRE I.D. IN ORDER TO VOTE . Do you think Obama can't win?Please pass this on, if you are as alarmed as I am ... Hidden camera in MN voting
http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=GqMVxeZhflI&feature=player_embedded <http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=GqMVxeZhflI&feature=player_embedded> #!
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