Thursday, September 27, 2012

Electoral Swing States


REPUBLICAN MITT ROMNEY IS ALL FIRED UP!  Because the United States of America is in dire straits due to the mismanagement of Democrat Obama and he knows he has the capabilities of turning things around if he's elected president.  Obama already has the big electoral and welfare states of New York, Illinois and California on his side - the 47% .  Who are these 47%?  Sure, they do pay taxes one way or another in sales taxes and local fees but mostly people who are not paying federal taxes.  In other words, they are the unemployed, the folks on welfare, on Medicaid and  on Medicare.  The governors of battleground states of Ohio, Wisconsin, Indiana, Virginia and Florida are all REPUBLICANS!!!  All these states have something in common - they are all doing fine because of good governance by these Republican governors.  The Illinois governor where Obama came from is incompetent.  The chutzpah of Obama to lie and double talk to these people living in the battleground states that he is responsible for their low unemployment (7.2%)  and economic success  are just not true.  Obama did not build that!  Those hardworking folks built that!

AS A VOTER I would like Romney to ask Obama (the guy with the empty slate, empty suit and no experience):
  • Where are the jobs he promised for all Americans in 2008? 
  • Where is the budget?
  • What happened to immigration reform?
  • What happened to religious freedom?
  • What happened to college loans?
  • What happened to solar and other environmental stimuli and bankrupcy? (Good grief, Charlie Brown! Obama is giving $200 million to another solar company).
  • Why the skyrocketing gas price?
  • Why the assassination of 4 Americans in Libya?
I DO BELIEVE ROMNEY CAN DO BETTER to improve the economic condition within 4 years which Obama, the insider, was/is unable to accomplished.  Yep, talk is cheap and talking on both sides of the mouth is cheaper.

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