It's the Obamapalooza event of the political season.
It's kick-ass time in the next four days - the Democrats being on the defensive. The guest speakers are a motley crew of invited group singers, Hollywood celebrities like starlet Eva Longoria, US military leaders, political cohorts and former President Bill Clinton
who was disinvited and was persona non grata during his Vice President Al Gore's presidential bid of 2000. Indeed, the womanizing husband of Obama's former opponent Hillary Clinton, will show the American people his goodwill towards Obama. He was probably thankful and contented that she was not the one nominated - it's good for his ego. Unlike the Republicans who are dignified and have a higher standards, the Democrats are allowed to have lower standards in anything. They can say the N word, they can be member of the KKK, they can say Mitt Romney is a felon and a murderer, they can say the American soldiers are terrorists and killers, etcetera. How can the Democrats get away with what they are spewing and mudslinging? They are always given a free pass by the bias mainstream media.
For sure, there will be a typical response of twisting things around by Obama about his failed economic, social and foreign policies at the convention. It's curious how he is going to defend the indefensible. He and his friends in the media were very demeaning as usual to Romney, about how to improve the lives of Americans. If I'm Romney why would I tell my economic agenda at the convention? We don't want our opponents to steal or copy our big ideas, do we? Let his records show for they are very clear - four years of 8.3 % job unemployment. This is to be expected at the end of the day - the mainstream media who are almost all liberal Democrats will say Obama's speech is excellent.
Published 9/3/12 lib's labyrinth
Blog Page: DNC in Charlotte
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