Department of Defense All military personnel would continue on normal duty, but half of the Defense Department civilian employees at the Pentagon would be placed on unpaid leave: 400,000 furloughed out of 800,000 total workers
Department of Treasury Bank regulators, including the Federal Reserve and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, would stay open because they do not rely on Congress for funding. The FDIC and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency pay for themselves would remain open. Loans guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will still be available.
Department of Interior National parks would close, a loss of 750,000 daily visitors. Popular tourist spots in Washington, D.C. including the Lincoln Memorial. the Library of Congress, the National Archives, Smithsonian Museum and National Zoo (live animal webcams would be disabled) would close,: 58,765 furloughed out of 72,562 total workers
Health and Human Services Among the programs affected would be the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) annual seasonal influenza program. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) would not admit new patients for clinical trials: 40,512 furloughed out of 78,198 total workers
Department of Commerce The FDA's expert advisory committee meetings, which recommend whether the agency should approved new products, will for the most part continue: 55% will be working
GPS Satellite NASA
Department of Transportation Passport inspectors, security officers and air traffic controllers will all continue to work as usual: 18,481 furloughed out of 55,468 total workers
Space travel Idled about 97% of NASA's 18,000 workers. Out of the 550 exempt employees are the 2 US astronauts at the International Space Station and Flight directors of Mission Control in Houston.
Department of Justice Criminal litigation would continue, while civil litigation would be curtailed: 18,186 furloughed out of 114,486 total workers
Courts The US Supreme Court would probably operate normally. Spokesman declined to share the high court's plans. Federal courts would remain open for about 10 business days after October 1 shutdown and status would be reassessed on or about October 15.
Social Security Administration Social Security and disability checks with no change in payment dates: 18,006 furloughed out of 62,343 total workers
Environmental Protection Agency One of the hardest hit: 15,136 furloughed out of 16,205 total workers.
Veterans Affairs God bless all veterans who fought and served beyond the call of duty: 14,224 furloughed out of 332,025 total workers
Department of Labor Happy Labor Day! 13,350 furloughed out of 16,304 total workers
Mail Delivery Deliveries will continue as usual because the US Postal Service receives no tax dollars for day-to-day operations. It relies on income from stamps and other fees.
THE WHITE HOUSE The Executive Office of the President furloughed about 1,265 staff and retained 436 as excepted workers. Among those retained will be 15 to provide minimum maintenance and support of the White House. Executive agencies will be reduced to skeleton staff, including four at the Council of Economic Advisors.
What's good about the government shutdown is the availability of use of Air Force One by Obama and his family. He would be unable to use the plane to go on his endless election campaign fundraisings and personal world travels. As a self-selected half-Fulbright scholar, I've reviewed all US presidential biographies -- did you know that most presidents, if not all, go world traveling after they had left the office, personally funded by party friends? The Obamas and his party Democrats are the most abusive in the use of Air Force One.
The Obamas are just making up for past missed vacations like I did when I was younger. Now I'm a GoldTrotter just like them. Hey, they might as well take advantage of their White House perks and benefits. I have not been to Africa, it's the last in my destination list.

Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 02:29:28 -0700
From: cc
Subject: Fw: Fwd: the obama's
Published 9/15/12 altgroup multiply
Web Page: The Obama's
From: cc
Subject: Fw: Fwd: the obama's
Obama Daughters are Michelle's 'Senior Staffers'
Michelle was caught cheating on her expense report. What a show of arrogance!
I guess the Boston Globe and The NY Times forgot to print this.
This information was obtained by Judicial Watch March, 2012. The
administration had to be sued to get this through the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION
ACT.Michelle Obama listed daughters as 'Senior Staffers' to justify her expensive
African vacation and safariOctober 5, 2011, Judicial Watch said the U.S. Air Force provided a C-32 ( a
Boeing 757 ), modified by the military for the purpose of flying big-wigs
around the world, to fly the First Lady and her entourage to and from Africa,
at a cost of $424,142. Another $928.44 was listed as ' bulk food' costs per
meal for the 192 on board meals for the 21 people who made the trip . lobster
ain't cheap when you fly it around the world
The Obama daughters were listed on the manifest as senior staff. 'This trip
was as much an opportunity for the Obama family to go on a safari as it was a
trip to conduct government business,' said Judicial Watch President Tom
Fitton. 'This junket wasted tax dollars and the resources of our overextended
military. No wonder we had to sue to pry loose this information'
The nation is suffering with the economy sputtering, the national debt soaring
and Obama's economic rescue policies not only failing, but actively making
things worse
Meanwhile, the First Lady justifies an expensive trip to Africa to take a
vacation and safari with her daughters by saying it's 'official business' and
even going so far as to list her children as staffers. The level of arrogance
and dishonesty on display here is nothing short of shocking. But, er, 'hope for
change' and yes we can
It's a true story. Check out this link and read it yourself:
Charges for the Aircraft and Crew Alone Amount to $424,142
Contact Information:
Press Office 202-646-5172, ext 305
Washington, DC — October 4, 2011
Judicial Watch, the organization that investigates and fights government corruption,
announced today that it has obtained mission expense records and passenger manifests
from the United States Air Force related to the June 21-27, 2011, trip taken by
First Lady Michelle Obama, her family and her staff to South Africa and Botswana.
Judicial Watch obtained the documents pursuant to an August 19, 2011, Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Air Force (No. 11-1496)).
Judicial Watch is investigating the purpose and itinerary of the trip as well as a breakdown
of the costs to taxpayers
On June 28, 2011, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request seeking the mission taskings,
transportation records, and passenger manifests for Michelle Obama’s Africa trip.
Documents were only provided after Judicial Watch filed suit:
- According to U.S. Department of Defense’s published hourly rates for the C-32A aircraft used for the trip, Judicial Watch calculated the total cost to American taxpayers was $424,142 for use of the aircraft (34.8 flight hours x $12,188 per hour). (The C-32 is a specially configured military version of the Boeing 757.) Other expenses – meals (off the plane), transportation, security, various services, etc. – have yet to be disclosed.
- The passenger manifests confirm the presence of Obama’s daughter’s, Malia and Sasha on the trip. The two girls are listed as “Senior Staff.” The manifests also list Mrs. Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, and niece and nephew, Leslie and Avery Robinson, as well Mrs. Obama’s makeup and hairstylist (Carl Ray and Johnny Wright).
- The expense records also show $928.44 was spent for “bulk food” purchases on flight. Overall, during the trip, 192 meals were served for the 21 passengers on board.
Read more about Africa, Michelle Obama
The professed purpose of Michelle Obama’s trip to South Africa and Botswana was to encourage young people living in the two growing democracies to become involved in national affairs; and during her scheduled stops in Pretoria and Cape Town, South Africa and in Gaborone, the capital of Botswana, the First Lady used the opportunity to speak on education, health and wellness issues.The trip also included such tourist events as visits to historical landmarks and museums, plus a nonworking chance to send time with Nelson Mandela, a meeting that Mrs. Obama described as “surreal.” The trip ended with a private family safari at a South African game reserve before the group returned to Washington on June 27.“This trip was as much an opportunity for the Obama family to go on a safari as it was a trip to conduct government business,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This junket wasted tax dollars and the resources of our overextended military. No wonder we had to sue to pry loose this information.”
Published 9/15/12 altgroup multiply
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