2013 LIST OF THE 10 WORLD'S RICHEST COUNTRIES: BASED ON GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) - The total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year = to total consumer spending, investment and government spending + value of exports - (minus) the value of imports.
@ Kangaroo Tim Down Under
We came from a third world country so we know what "poor" is. Isang kahig, isang tuka. The first world US has a high standard of living. Living and working here all my life, I know a "poor" in the US is really "well-to-do" and very well taken care of by the government in the form of social welfare food stamps, food depository, homeless shelters, unemployment benefits and free healthcare called Medicaid. If you're a senior citizen, you are royalty. When you admit you're a senior you get a lot of discounts.
For every dollar I have earned, 35 % to 40% go to taxes. These taxes are shared with all of us, sometimes very well distributed and sometimes not, depending on who's doing the managing. For a fact, the most outrageous thing of waste of taxpayers money is the Obama Administration subsidizing $535 billions to Solyndra, a company that makes solar panels. It went bankrupt this September just more than a year of doing business. To whom I don't know. Who would buy solar panels here in the US? My guess are green people, friends of Al Gore and Hollywood celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio and George Clooney. The final nail in the coffin, is the Obama Administration rescuing the investors by giving $79 millions to them and nothing, zilch, nada to the taxpayers. It's such a crying shame.
Do poor people of other nations like the Philippines have all these security umbrella? Not that I know of. You go to "poor" people houses here in the US - they have large flat TV, refrigerator, microwave, luxury cars, computers, laptops, pizzas and foods, blings and you name all material things. Do I feel sorry for these people? Not really. When things were good, they did not live within their means, being extravagant and going to high-end stores with their credit/debit cards. The money they had were probably used to buy drugs -- marijuana, heroin and cocaine. I know and have seen what is to be poor - you see them everywhere - the slums of the Philippines, India, Haiti, Somalia, Uganda, Darfur, and other African and South American countries. It's beyond comparison.
The state of the United States of America is filthy rich in my observation.
Ate Lib

Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 14:28:26 -0700
From: tim
Subject: Fw: Yahoo!7 Finance - US poverty rate hits 15.1%, highest since 1993 - Yahoo!7 Finance
To: lib
Personal message:
US poverty rate hits 15.1%, highest since 1993 - Yahoo!7 Finance
US poverty rate hits 15.1%, highest since 1993 - Yahoo!7 Finance
Published 9/15/11 altgroup multiply
Web Page: US poverty rate hits 15.1% highest since 1993
Correction: Change the job stimulus given to Solyndra to $535 millions (not billions) only. A total of $614 million down the toilet. Indeed, money buys power but not all -- like solar power?