After leading from behind in international warfare since Obama took office in 2009, he's attempting to be the frontman by convincing other nations and US Congress to punish Bashar al- Assad for using poison sarin gas against his own people by bombing Syria. In his very short history as Member of Congress, he voted against the bombing of Iraq and Afghanistan. This is an undisputed fact: Former President George W. Bush had a just cause to pursue justice in the light of what happened on September 11th where 3,000 people were killed in ONE DAY. Mind you, I know I've said this before, I am not diminishing the sacrifice of those troops that served and died (about 5,000 or so?) in Afghanistan and Iraq during these 10 years. Things were very hot because of the tragedy of 9/11. Almost all Americans were gung-ho in fighting and capturing the masterminds of the successful attacks against the United States of A. Obama did ignore that Saddam Hussein did poison gassed the Iraqi Kurds. Why would he bomb Syria now for using poison gas? Ahhh...because he's sitting now where his cowboy predecessor used to sit. Thank God I'm not Obama because this is a big dilemma for him and his amateurish administration. What is to be gained in bombing Syria once? Syria is not friendly with the US, except with Nancy Pelosi and John F. Kerry and Vogue magazine. Do we get oil from Syria? I don't think so. Who are we going to help there? In Iraq, at least the Bush Administration had plans and so forth. There were expatriot Iraqis to advise Bush in moving forward. The premature Noble Peace Prize winner should acknowledge why he was picked by the Norwegians. Let it ride, baby. Just like with North Korea. Just like Benghazi, Libya. Bury it. Sit on it. How about this excuse - remember the poison gas leaks in Bhopal, India by the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL)? How many people died there, 20,000? (I have to check how many). Families were compensated. Well, just like what he did before, Obama's credibility is not at stake and he admits to nothing. It's the fault of George W. Bush.
Recycled Web Page
[Forwarded e-mail]
At least no one in the Obama Administration is a hypocrite. Why go when you hate the Iron Lady? You know, friends of Ronald Reagan are not friends of mine. I often wondered how the 3-day funeral coverage of Reagan was ever stomached by the Democrats and Reagan-haters? Did you know that the mainstream press then was very critical of Reagan? Once a socialist, always a socialist. And what goes around comes around if you know what I mean.
Really and truly, what goes around comes around. During George W's Administration the Bush haters called him with so many cruel and unjust names - calling him Hitler for no reason. What did he do to deserve such a thing? As far as I could see, W only wanted to protect and defend America and its people. It did not stop there. The other day, Madam Pelosi called conservative folks in townhall meetings "Nazis." What's more, the Obama Administration wanted e-mails critiquing Dr.Obama and any fishy story about him to be forwarded to http://www.whitehouse.gov Is this a reminiscent of Mein Kamp?
What now? Am I suppose to tremble, tremble with fear?
Look, I got this in my inbox 2 weeks ago. I said to myself, self, control yourself, don't do it.
Well, tit for tat to Pelosi, Obama and the Liberal Democrats. I just can't control myself.
Web Page: Foreign Born Observer
Bhopal, India disaster: December 2-3, 1984. Total death: 16,000; Injuries: 558,125 injuries.