Thursday, April 18, 2013


THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 DESTRUCTION OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER IS AN UNFORGETTABLE AMERICAN TRAGEDY.  The 3,000 lives lost  dealt a massive blow of extreme pain to their families and friends and the whole nation.  When I saw on TV what was going on that beautiful Tuesday morning in New York I was very much devastated and sad.  It was so unexpected.  Later in the day or was it a few days later (?) I saw on TV some people in Palestine and the Middle East happy to see the destruction of the buildings.  I've read that the government (leader) of a country and/or the evil done by few of its citizens should not be blamed to all its people.  For example, what Hitler had done should all of the German people be blamed and ostracized forever?  Or, should all of Muslim world and those of Islamic faith be called terrorists because of the radical Muslim leader Osama bin Laden and Al Queda?  Indeed, it's very hard to forget.

Well, this photo of high fashion in the Middle East is being worn at the mosque and passed around the internet:

Update: 4/18/13


Ground Zero

Previous Publication 4/19/03 ALT MSN GROUPS WEBSITE

Homeland Security Photo

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