Friday, November 9, 2012

Post Election 2012


IT IS WHAT IT IS.  In this life there will always be winners and losers.  Unfortunately, there will always be class envy - if your opponent is good looking and wealthy there will be people who will be jealous of your success.  Single women voted for Obama because they related with him because of his single mother who died of cancer.  I was listening to talk radio hosts BRUCE & DAN (sounds like a singing duo) of who were pinch-hitting for the recuperating Don Wade & Roma Show.  They made a comment about the Catholic votes - that many voted for Obama.  As a Roman Catholic, I know very well my fellow Catholics like the back of my wrinkled hands.  I know this by having discussion and talking with them.  In religion and otherwise, money is always the bottomline.  Even though they are so-called Catholics, they are inconsistent when it comes to contraception, religious freedom, abortion, immigration and you name it.  Catholic-ism goes by the wayside.  Sure they seemed devoted (Hispanics, Mexican and Filipino voters) and go to church every Sunday but in reality they leave their beliefs inside the church.  Everyone wants handouts and freebies,including self, and most especially immigrants who came from socialist countries.  Sure, no doubt the changing demographics have contributed to the result of the presidential election.  Money, whether you're rich or poor, trumps up everything.  Anyway, it will always be a divided America - red, white and blue and stars over us.  May I say something to my beloved Republicans - always stand by your principles and good character.  Yes, it's forward to four more years of the same and status quo but an individual's self-reliance and conservatism will pull us through difficult times.  After all, and needless to say, America holds the promise of opportunity and liberty.

Tempus fugit!

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