PEOPLE WERE PETRAFIED! So I said to myself,self, that's what is the reason for the defeaning silence. Petraeus, because of the on-going investigation by the FBI of his extramarital affair with his autobiographer Paula Broadwell, he was paralyzed and could not take immediate action on what happened in Benghazi, Libya where four Americans died, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Of course, following the chain of command, there's no doubt at all in my mind as a Foreign-Born Observer that he was following the order of his Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama. According to radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, (I've been listening to him since 1989) who's been right 99.99% of the time, the Benghazi Massacre evolved now into a sex scandal. Indeed, things and the juicy details have become complicated and we may never know what really happened. I know deals will be made - for instance, you'll still be a four-star general if you cover up for the White House, the Secretary of State and the Department of Defense and the rest of the subordinates and become the sacrificial lamb. There's blood in the hands of those involved because you know why? An ambassador died, a very dignified and honorable profession, and three other Americans. Never in the history of American diplomacy that I could recall that such murderous attack could ever happened, most especially on September 11. This would never have occurred under President George W. Bush - who was vigilant after what happened to his watch on September 11, 2001.

At the end of the day (or night), I think there's redemption and the Petraeus Family will be whole again. They'll survive. But this remains to be seen.
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