I voted for President George W twice. With the unraveling scandal of Al Gore, it's the best thing a knowledgeable and proud voter like me did in my lifetime. Unlike BO, President George W was very dignified while in office, did not speak ill-will of his predecessor. Unlike BO who kept blaming President George W with what's happening with the economy, lack of jobs, high unemployment and whatever, just to elevate himself and show his people he's doing good together with the Democrats in both houses of Congress. They all sing the same tune, including Sherrod, attacking the Bush Administration. Whether she had an epiphany and it happened 24 years ago, that was water under the bridge.
People now realized, if they haven't yet, BO is just a puppet, his strings being pulled by Socialist yahoos. He's turning America upside down with his nincompoop reforms of no value to the common masses. The apocalypse of change keep coming from Congress (11% approval) and the White House so let us hold on for life. I'm scared, The Messiah rising with his angels of doom. Whoa. I pray everyday.
"You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it." - Dr. Adrian Rogers

Published 7/22/10 lib's labyrinth
Web Page: Foreign Born Political Observer
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