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I think I know where Michael Steele, Chairman of the RNC, is coming from when he said Afghanistan is Obama's war. True, as a whole Afghanistan is America's

I think what Chairman Steele is trying to say is, in order to win the war in Afghanistan, the United States must have a strong Commander-in-Chief, like George W during the Iraq War (yeah, it's over!)or a Republican president in office. Commander Obama and Private First Class Pelosi always wanted to withdraw and surrender. Because of that, Afghanistan is a lost war if my reading of the thoughts of Chairman Steele is correct. Hey, people, bring back a Republican war President!
I watch FOX News Sunday every Sunday, Channel 32 Chicago, 9:00 AM. - 10:00 AM. I never liked Bill Kristol. Come to think of it I don't like listening to all these arrogant Republican pundits -- they are anti-Republican Party. I hope America will have a new Congress this coming November and a new Republican president in 2012.
Chairman Steele is just speaking his mind but is misunderstood.
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Published 7/5/10 altgroup multiply
Web Page: Foreign Born Political Observer
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