UH-OH! THE FEELER IS OUT THERE. RUSH LIMBAUGH IS 'UNHAPPY' WITH CUMULUS, CURRENT OWNER OF RADIO STATION WABC WHERE HIS RADIO TALKSHOW IS BEING BROADCASTED. The talkative and always right Rush is being blamed for the station's loss revenues because of his comment of the slut (yes) Sandra Fluke, the Immaculate Contraception. His contract is expiring at the end of this year and is thinking of not renewing his contract. If and when that time comes it will be the end of me listening to Radio WLS in Chicago. I listen to him from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, Monday to Friday. When he takes a day off because of other business or events I also take a day off. He's simply the best. Sometimes I wonder the synchronicity of viewing, for instance the Downton Abbey and Mexico having a longtime grudge because of American landgrabbing. He's on top of everything. What about THE ALAMO? Don't you remember? Everyone died defending the fort except two. Davy Crockett, the King of the Wild Frontier, was one of unforgettable heroes. Fortunately, and better late than never, Sam Houston remembered the mistakes of Napoleon and defeated the Mexican General Santa Anna.
One thing's for sure, where Limbaugh goes so goes the nation.
Updated 5/7/13
Recycled Dittohead's Den Web Page
Previous Publication 2/12/10 ALT Group Multiply
I have been a longtime listener of Rush Limbaugh on the radio http://www.wlsam.com / http://www.rushlimbaugh.com since 1989. May be he is a mind reader because almost everything I think he thinks also. Sometimes I wonder if he has a GPS mind.
1. My favorite President of All-Time: Bush on War & Freedom - The hutzpah of Obama & Biden to claim the success in Iraq when they were the ones who wanted to surrender then. I'm sooooooo nauseated!
2. Guantanamo Bay - Leave that place alone. That's a keeper for Muslim terrorists.
3. Capitalism vs Socialism
4. Global Warming: See attached file - Be informed! To echo Mr. Limbaugh, "Where the hell (my word, not his) is Albert Gore, the Environmental Hoaxer and Nobel Peace Prize Winner (for what?)???? If you see the dude point him to me so I can shovel the 13 inches of snow his way. Uh-oh! I just paid Frank $60 to shovel my walkway. Time was of the essence.

Attachment: ANTARTICA_English.pps
Turn on the audio of your computer: Music: Aria di Amore (Tosca) by the Royal Philharmonic. Enjoy! You know, it's deja vu...did I e-mail this to friends before?