Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Limbaugh Listener 5/7/13

You betcha!  I'm a die-hard, right-leaning Republican through and through.  Super-duper independent, very much for strong defense and a Capitalist Ms. Piggy.
I'm still shaking my head at the power of the bias mainstream media, also known as the left-wing liberal press.  I'm so happy newspapers all over are folding permanently.  Take the left-leaning Chicago Sun Times declaring bankruptcy today.  If they were just fair to us Republicans maybe we would have subscribe to their crappy newspapers and magazines.  Yes, I'm being redundant, but it's for emphasis.  True, there's a time for everything, even in the Age of Obama.  Hey, as long as Obama is the President, he'll always be popular because he's Black and folks don't want to be called racist.  In other words, political affirmative action.
Listening to Rush Limbaugh has gotten me through tough times during the Clintonian Years.  I kind of called myself a Dittohead.  I don't know what's wrong with him but he always think what I was thinking.  I don't understand why is he always agreeing with my myriads of thoughts! I don't even look like him, I'm better looking - you can tell the difference between us in this photo taken at my office in the hospital lab where I used to work.  He's on WLSam Chicago from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.  He's 99% right all the time but like all human beings I have differences of opinion with him.  I agree with him on that phony global warming and almost on anything.  But there's always a but....I don't like SUV's for my one reason alone -- I drive a small car, MGB, and SUV drivers think of themselves as king of the road and they drive so close to my tail. 

Previous Publication 3/31/09  ALT Groups Multiply

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