Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mitt Romney


I've been busy traveling and taking care of some projects for my family and friends.  A few letters from Mitt Romney have been accumulating on my desk and some from the "Bushes."  I just can't "stay away from the Bushes" (to quote Jesse Jackson, Sr.)  - I'm a valued member of the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation and a recognized Charter Member of the George W. Bush Presidential Center.  That's right.  How Mitt Romney got my name I'm pretty sure he got it from Republican Party shared list.

I received an e-mail two weeks ago about Mitt Romney.  I said to myself, self, here we go again.  They say (I forgot who said it first), "Nice guys finish last."  I hope this will be proven wrong come November.

Here's Mitt Romney's Excellent Resume:

Full Name: Willard Mitt Romney
Birthday: March 12, 1947 (Pisces)

Harvard Business School
Harvard Law School - Passed the Michigan Bar (Did not practice law but went into business).

Venture-Capitalist - Invested in an office supply company with one store in Massachusetts - that company is Staples with 2,000 stores and employs 90,000 people.  Other companies that Bain Capital helped and saved the Bain Way -- Domino's, Sealy, Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, and Home Depot Supply to name some.

Political pundits are denigrating Mitt Romney's business acumen -- that business people, that is, like Herbert Hoover don't make a good president.  Whatever that means.  HEY YOU, never been born during Hoover time, I know Romney and Romney is definitely not a Hoover.

I agree with Romney that a company or a corporation is made of people.  Anyone who looked at it differently is stupid.  Like Obama.  I don't know when he said it, somewhere in Virginia, that "If you got business, you didn't build that, somebody else made it happened."  May be he was talking about himself.  I quite agree with what he's saying -- the name Obama is a business or what I heard a prostitute once said "My body is my product."  So you see, all of Obama's young and adult life, somebody else made and molded his "business" for him -- an atheist mother, a Communist Kenyan father, a Muslim stepfather, Harvard and University of Chicago liberal professors, dismissed terrorist Professor Bill Ayres, Tony Rezko and real-estate wife and Rev. Jeremiah Wright, of course, listening for 20 years with his rantings of "God damn, America!"  Well done! All of these people made it all happened for him.  Lucky guy.

Other nice qualities:

Volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign for one year.  His father George Romney became the Governor of Michigan.
Unpaid intern in Governor's office for 8 years.
Mormon missionary in Paris for 2 years ( he said not one got converted to Mormon religion - France being a Catholic country).
Unpaid bishop and state president for his church for 10 years.
No salary as president of the Utah Olympic Games for 3 years.
No salary as Massachusetts Governor for 4 years.  (I have to further investigate and check the reason why).

So, I'm voting for Mitt Romney because:
1.  I know his religion although I really don't care because I'm not really a fanatic religious person.
2.  That he won't desecrate the flag.  True or not, and how old, I got this deaf-mute e-mail and 9/11 video two weeks ago that Michelle said "All this for the damn flag" and Barack nodded in agreement.
3.  He's not going to bow down to foreign powers.
4.  He's not going to squander taxpayers money on vacation.

For more than 3 years, it's been proven time and time again that the Obama Administration, composed mostly of supposedly or experienced and elite people turned out to be just failed civil servants in their socio-economic stimuli and policies.  In foreign policy, for more than 16 months, the Obama Administration has failed in Syria with many of its people dying everyday just like in Rwanda during the Clinton Administration.  The Democrats have been proven weak again in their foreign policy.  Oh, yeah...Obama killed Osama - but only on the behalf of the SEALS and the US military, CIA, etc.

Pleeeeeeease!!! Citizen Voters of America - Don't drink the kool-aid this NOVEMBER! It's POISON!


  1. The quote, "Nice guys finish last" is attributed to baseball manager Leo Durocher in 1939. It was also coined by American biologist Garrett Hardin - of the selfish gene concept of life and evolution.

  2. THE LIB'S LABYRINTH CREED: TIT FOR TAT In 2011, Mitt Romney contributed 4 million (19%) to charity. He has a big heart. I think it's absurd for Obama and his political hatchet woman (can't recall her name) to ask Romney to release his tax records from years before. All they have to do is make contact with IRS. Hey, what are they in power for. BTW, I've been tit-tating for Harvard to release Obama's magna cum laude's grades - I'm expecting all A's!!!!
