Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving 2007


The very first thanksgiving days were harvest festivals by the first pilgrims in New England.  Their first winter in the colony was cold and brutal.  During the second winter after the summer of 1621, the Plymouth colonists had very good corn harvest.  Governor William Bradford decreed December 13, 1621 a day of feasting and praying - thanking God for plentiful crops.  The women spent many days baking and roasting.  The men went hunting, catching geese, ducks and fish. 

The Indians brought wild turkey and venison (deer meat), as their share.  They ate outdoors at big tables: three days of feasting, praying and singing.

Traditional main menu:

Journey cake
Corn meal bread with nuts
Succotash (a mixture of cooked corn, lima beans and tomatoes)

Yummy dessert: Pumpkin Pie (stewed in maple sap)

On November 26, 1789, President George Washington issued a general proclamation for a day of thanks.  For many years, there were no regular Thanksgiving Day.  In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation setting aside last Thursday of November.  Each year for 75 years, the president proclaimed that Thanksgiving Day should be celebrated on the last Thursday of November.  But in 1939,  President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed Thanksgiving Day to be celebrated one week earlier to help business by making the shopping period between Thanksgivng and Christmas longer.  Congress finally ruled that after 1941 the 4th Thursday of November would be observed as Thanksgiving Day and a legal holiday.

New Message on Association
of Laboratory Technologists



Recommend Message 1 in Discussion

From: ALTPresident1

Ever Dear
Relatives, Seasonal Friends, & Batchmates:

Every day, in one way
or another, we say a short prayer of thanks  to the Lord God
up above for all the daily blessings we receive.

I thank you all this
coming Thanksgiving Day for your unending gift of  money,
foods (very, very, very special 'thank you' to  Susan for her
lumpia, eggplant, friend tilapia, Sofie for her barbecue and
palabok, and to  ALT PRO Mila  for pork adobo with lots
of skin-fats and goodies too many to mention) that you know always
give me joy in my eating and other random acts of

May God bless you with
friends like you!



GoC (Goddess of

Published  11/20/07 ALT MSN Group
Web Page: Happy Thanksgiving

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