What do they have in common? Ferdinand Magellan had a Filipino slave by the name of Enrique (a.k.a. Ric). He was thought to have been captured by Chinese or Arab merchants and was sold in Indonesia. There, Magellan purchased Enrique in a previous expedition to the Indonesian islands as an explorer for Portugal. Flashback, the devotion to Santo Nino, the oldest religious image in the Philippines, began in 1521 when Magellan landed on Cebu island. Magellan's missionary vanguard won many convert to Christianity, including the tribal chief, Rajah Humabon. He was quite successful with Enrique as the fleet's interpreter and was able to speak the island's chieftain lingo. So there's no doubt he must be of Filipino origin. Magellan's success to evangelize the natives was short-lived. To cut a story short, after he was killed by a local chieftain, Christianity was greatly jeopardized and Christian symbols were burned and destroyed. The image of Santo Nino that was given to Queen Juana, the Rajah's wife, as a baptismal gift disappeared. What happened to Enrique during that time? He ultimately betrayed the Portuguese/Spaniards when, contrary to Magellan's will, they refused to free him as slave after Magellan's death. So what say you? Would you say Enrique, after thanking Magellan for "bringing him home" is the real First Circumnavigator?
In 1565, when other explorers Legaspi and Urdaneta came to the island looking for spices and gold, Juan Camus, one of the Spanish soldiers -- found the Holy Infant in the rubble and ashes. The veneration of Santo Nino grew popular throughout and in 1765, a pilgrimage church was built in the site where the miraculously preserved statue of the Santo Nino was found.
Blessing of Sto. Nino Statues
Video: Santo Nino ng Aming Buhay [Infant Jesus Our Life]
Sto. Nino Mass - St. Lambert Church, Skokie, Illinois
Mrs. Saludo with her 2 Sto. Ninos
St. Lambert Parishioner Vicky holding the Infant Jesus of Prague
Throughout the years, prayers were offered to Santo Nino. On the third Sunday of January, most Filipinos celebrate this colorful festival honoring the Santo Nino. The vibrant Filipino community of St. Lambert Catholic Church of Skokie, Illinois celebrated the festive occasion for the 20th year.
A unique, unusual devotional practice occurs on a more festive way with the sacred dance, "Sinulog", named after the river currents. It is performed with simple steps, graceful sways while holding handkerchiefs, candles or flowers. It is performed to petition the Holy Infant for healing and other intentions.
The Filipino Families of Skokie with Father Richard Simon, Pastor of St. Lambert Church
January 25, 2014
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FERNANDO DE MAGALHAES: He was born of a noble family in Sabrosa, Portugal. He was a young page to the Portuguese queen. At about 25, he enlisted as a soldier for service to India, fought in several campaigns, and traveled as far as Malacca, near Singapore. He was wounded while fighting the Moors in Morocco that made him lame for life.
VOYAGE: King Manuel I of Portugal did not like Magellan and treated him badly. In 1518, he entered Spanish service and proposed to the Spanish ruler Charles V to discover the Spice Islands by western route and claim them for the glory of Spain. The king agreed to supply Magellan with a fleet of ships (Concepcion, San Antonio, Santiago, Trinidad and Victoria). He set sail with 240 men from Sanlucar on September 20, 1519.
THE DIRE STRAIT OF MAGELLAN: Magellan arrived at the bay of Rio de Janeiro early in December, 1519. He spent the winter in San Julian in southern Argentina. The sailors called the region Patagonia (the land of big feet) because they believed the Indians who lived there had big feet. He explored the South American coast, looking for a strait that would lead him through the continent. His men were getting tired of the hardships and was running out of food and they started a mutiny that was quickly suppressed. He was determined not to turn back and resumed the voyage. After 38 days of searching, he discovered the Strait of Magellan leading from the Atlantic to the Pacific around the southern end of South America - the nearest route from Spain to the East Indies. As they passed through the strait, they saw many Indian campfires at night and they called the land Tierra del Fuego (Fireland).
Many of the men thought that they had enough and wanted to go home but Magellan encouraged them with thoughts and dreams of fame and fortune. When he entered the smooth waters of the western ocean, he named the new ocean Pacific because it seemed so calm. By this time, he only had 3 ships - the San Antonio sailed back secretly to Spain and the Santiago was wrecked in a storm. For 98 days they sailed, provisions gave out, water supply ran low and they resorted to eating sawdust, oxhide and rats. Many died of starvation and disease by the time the fleet reached Marianas Islands.
Magellan sailed further west and he landed in the island of Cebu, in southern Philippines on March 16, 1521. Being a competent navigator, he estimated that he had passed the longtitude of the East Indies and he knew the way was open to return to Spain through the Indian Ocean. He converted the royal chieftain (datu) of the island to Christianity. On April 27, 1521, he died while fighting the enemies of the chief. The ungrateful chief then turned against the Spaniards, murdered some and drove the rest out of the island.
THE THREE SHIPS: The Spanish ships kept on sailing around the East Indies for many months. The Concepcion became unseaworthy and was burned. The Trinidad and the Victoria finally reached the Spice Islands and each took on a load of cloves. The commander of the Trinidad tried to sail to the Isthmus of Panama, but the ship was wrecked by a hurricane. With just 17 men under the command of Juan Sebastian del Cano, the Victoria returned to Spain through the Indian Ocean and around the Cape of Good Hope which was first sailed around by another Portuguese, Vasco de Gama.
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Juan Sebastian Del Cano |
In the end, Del Cano, not Magellan, received the proper credit for being the first man to sail around the earth. But he's just a name in the page of history - whoever heard of of Del Cano Travel & Tour?
(Lyrics by Mar Lopez)
1...Who discovered the Philippines?
2...What month?
3...What date?
4...What year?
5... What day, what time?
6... What place?
7...And what island?
DING: "Sir, masyado namang kabit-kabit. Ang sagot ay kabit-kabit din."
SIR: "Talagang ganyan...ang tanong ay kabit-kabit. Ang sagot ay kabit-kabit din."
BINDOY: "Ako Sir, alam ko."
Magellan discovered the Philippines
March sixteen, fifteen hundred twenty one
Saturday, 3 o'clock in the morning
Town of Mactan, Limasawa (5 snakes) Island
SIR: "Yes, Bindoy."
Good - who killed Magellan?
Recycled Web Page 6/18/13 lib's labyrinth
Previous Publication 2/20/06 ALT MSN Group
Web Page: Magellan's Philippines
The More You Honor Me, The More I Will Bless You
January 21 is the Feast of Santo Nino (Baby Jesus). Ferdinand Magellan upon landing in Mactan Island, introduced the Santo Nino as part of the evangelization of the Philippines.
Skokie Filipino-Americans Sto. Niño statue
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