Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dittohead's Den

I was watching FOX NEWS cable two weeks ago, around 11:00 PM, when there was a breaking news -- Rush Limbaugh rushed in a hospital in Honolulu.  Oh, no! I said to myself, self, I hope it's nothing serious!  I heard his grandfather lived to be a hundred and was still a practicing lawyer of sort until his demise.  He should have gotten his grandpa's genetic longevity I was hoping. 
Well, it turned to be what it was - him testing the pre- Obamacare American health system.  He was in a tip-top condition according to his doctor in attendance and just a false alarm (probably eating too much steak or mahi-mahi) giving him muscle heart spasm.  Just guessing as so far everything is confidential right now until socialize medicine under the Obama Administration kicks in. Ha-ha!!
Today, January 12th, I heard is Rush's birthday.  Good he got to the completion of his annual birthday cycle.  I have this belief that the month or weeks before a person's birthday is a very critical period - either you're going to die or live before or after the completion of the living cycle.  Weird, huh?

Published  1/12/10  altgroup multiply
Web Page:  Dittohead's Den

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