No wonder one of my favorite Indian food is chicken curry.
Researchers at the Cork Cancer Research Centre in Ireland did studies and found a molecule in curry ingredient that can zap esophageal cancer cells in the laboratory. According to the study published in the British Journal of Cancer, the chemical curcumin in the spice turmeric which gives curries a yellow color start killing cancer cells within 24 hours and the cells also begin to digest and eat themselves. Previous studies have suggested curcumin can suppress tumors and that folks who eat lots of curry may be protected from getting esophageal cancer. However, in further studies, curcumin loses its anti-cancer effect quicky when ingested. Nevertheless, according to lead author of the study Sharon McKenna there's much potential to develop curcumin as anti-cancer drug. She further wrote curcumin cause the cancer cells to die "using an unexpected system of cell messages."
Cancers of the esophagus kill more than 500,000 people around the world each year. The tumors are especially deadly, with 5-year survival rates of just 12 to 31%.
More and more I love the smell of curry!
Published 11/17/09 altgroup multiply
Web Page: Health & Technology
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