Thursday, June 1, 2006

Simple Cures, Simple Preventions Part V


Part V: Simple Cures, Simple


Are you an exclusive member of the 'other ' 4-H
  If you don't know it by now, you are not
alone.  Simple 'Preparation" 4-H  you can do for:


How often do you hear "Not tonight
dearI have a headache?"  Sex and
stress can give you a headache and an excuse.  Cluster headaches and
migraines are the most painful kind.  According to a research study,
80% of people with cluster headaches have sleep apnea, a disorder where you
temporarily stop breathing several times during the night.  Simple cures to

  • Stop smoking and don't drink alcohol. 
  • Avoid the sun by wearing a wide-brimmed hat and
    sunglasses.  Drink water or herbal tea.

  • Don't skip on your meals.  Pack some snacks if
    you're going on a road trip. 

  • Make a list of trigger foods.
  • Put a portable ice pack on your head or a warm
    compress on your neck or the back of your head..

  • Dental surgery, head injury, and toothache can
    lead to headache.  Surgery may have affected the surrounding nerve tissue
    leading to changes in the brain processes.

  • Have a cup of coffee to knock out your tension
    headache.  A study by the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago found
    caffeine to be better than ibuprofen in providing faster pain relief for half
    an hour sooner.   Check over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin
    and acetaminophen, it may already include caffeine as ingredient. 
     The National Headache Foundation recommends limiting to two caffeinated
    beverages a day.

  • Take a shower and spray that headache away.
  • Massage temples, forehead, shoulders, and neck.

  • Sleep in comfort on your king-size bed and
    pillow.  Wear an eye mask to shut out bright light.  Too much sleep
    or lack of it can bring on a headache.


Burn, baby, burn!  You get that burning feeling,
woe-oh-oooo, burning your chest.  More than 5 million people
walk to hospital ER asking is it heartburn or heart attack?  One out 4,
it's just a severe heartburn.  However, get help immediately if you
experience sudden, severe pain along with sweating, light-headedness, and
nausea.   Better safe than sorry.  According to a
study, you're 11 times more likely to develop cancer of the esophagus if you
have a recurrent heartburn or acid reflux.  It's serious and 8 out  10
folks say it bothers them at night and don't get better sleep. Simple
preventions to put out the fire:

  • Don't overstuff - eat 5 or 6 small meals rather than 3
    heavy ones.  Avoid spicy and acidic foods - chocolate, citrus fruits,
    tomatoes, pepper, and  vinegar.  Take small bites and chew with
    your mouth closed.

  • Skip dessert and chew gum.  Chewing increase the
    flow of saliva, which helps neutralize stomach acid.  Wait a few hours
    after you last meal before going to bed. 

  •  Walk around the block to calm your

  • Sleep on your left side - your esophagus angles a bit
    to the left side where it connects to the stomach.  Stomach acid is more
    likely to flow into your esophagus and stay there if you sleep on your right
    side.  Sleep with a foam wedge under your upper body and raise the head
    of your bed about 6 inches with wooden blocks.

  • Stay inside when pollen and mold levels are high in
    the spring and fall.  Close your windows and turn on the
    air-conditioner.  People with acid reflux get more upper respiratory
    symptoms such as stuffy nose, coughing and sore throat.  This
    allergy-driven process is a different kind of reflux called eosinophilic
    esophagitis due to increase of eosinohils . 

  • Eat banana to calm your chronic cough and soothe your
    burning indigestion.


Here we go again! Burn, baby, burn.  This time
it's that painful, burning feeling down your anus - making 40% of adults in the
US uncomfortable, itchy and embarrassed.  Hemorrhoids are the varicose
veins of the anus.  It may be due to constant constipation, chronic
diarrhea, and pregnancy.  Simple preparation H you can do to relieve
your suffering and keep your secret:

  • Eat prunes, prune juice, or psyllium if you have a
    constant constipation.

  • Fiberize (not too much!) and be regular with
    whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.  It
    helps move things quickly through your digestive system.

  • Drink more than 8 glasses of water to soften your hark
    rocks and bowel movement.  Don't drink alcohol.

  • Place a cold pack over your hemorrhoids and rest for a
    few hours.

  • Don't sit for a long time in front of your computer or
    watch TV.  It can put pressure on your rectal veins.  If you have to
    sit, put soft cushion like my friend Ahmed.

  • Buy over-the-counter drugs that have the following
    ingredients - hydrocortisone to relieve swelling; benzocaine and pramoxine for
    numbing and cooling effect on inflamed skin.  Or find natural relief from
    aloe vera gel to reduce skin irritation.

  • Slim down - extra weight put pressure on rectal


Older folks are especially at risk because their body
become less sensitive to cold weather.  Most of them are on fixed income
and can't afford the high cost of home heating.  Half of all
hypothermia-related  deaths occur in people age 65 or older.  Symptoms
include confusion, low blood pressure, shallow breathing, sleepiness, slow
reactions, slurred speech and a weak heartbeat.  What to do to keep you
warm and cozy - believe it or not, global warming may not be an inconvenient
truth after all as AL Gore and wacko environmentalists declare.

  • Dress in layers, wear gloves, and a hat when going
    out.  You don't have to look like you're going to climb and conquer Mt.
    Everest  - winter coats and jackets are quite fashionable and

  • Set the thermostat to 70 degrees in the winter. 
    If you live in an apartment building, call the manager if you feel too
    cold for your own good.  Make a call to the Mayor's office and
    complain if it remains unheeded. 

  • Don't turn a cold shoulder - call your elderly
    neighbor and relatives during the deep freeze.

  • Don't go outside in severe winter storm.  If
    you got stuck at ground zero and minus zero, tough luck!  So be
    prepared by keeping survival kit, emergency provisions such as snacks,
    candies, canned-food, warm blankets, water-proof jacket, and pencils not
    pens.  Get cozy and share body heat if you must.  Shivering is one
    way to keep the body warm.

  • Drink hot soup, coffee, or tea.  Avoid alcohol
    and smoking.

  • Know your medications - drugs that interfere with your
    body's natural heat-regulator include barbiturates, tricyclic antidepressants,
    and benzodiazepines.

  • If someone you knew is suffering from hypothermia,
    call 9-1-1 immediately.  Until help arrives, get the person out of any
    wet clothes and provide dry clothing.  Don't let the person lose
    consciousness by talking gibberish, playing music or making


  1. This was left intentionally in the Health & Lab Technology web page of Simple Cures, Simple Preventions - The 4-H Club, Hemorrhoids....   According to a research study, staying on the toilet too long can cause hemorrhoids because your rectum and its vein don't get any support from a toilet seat.  So don't sit too long and if you must read your favorite books and magazines go to the library.     

  2. Coke or water?
    Is all of this factual?????


    #1.   75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
    applies to half the world population.)

    #2. In 37% of Americans, the
    thirst mechanism is so weak
    that it is mistaken for

    Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as 3%.

    #4. One
    glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs
    for almost 100% of the
    dieters studied in a University of
    Washington study.

    #5. Lack of
    water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

    #6. Preliminary research
    indicates that 8-10 glasses of
    water a day could significantly ease back and
    joint pain
    for up to 80% of sufferers.

    #7. A mere 2% drop in body
    water can trigger fuzzy short-term
    memory, trouble with basic math, and
    difficulty focusing on
    the computer screen or on a printed page.

    Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of
    colon cancer by 45%,
    plus it can slash the risk of breast
    cancer by 79%., and one is 50% less
    likely to develop
    bladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of water
    should drink every day?


    #1. In many states the highway patrol carries
    two gallons of
    in the trunk to remove blood from
    the highway after a car

    #2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Coke
    and it will
    be gone in two days.

    #3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into
    toilet bowl and let the "real thing" sit for one hour,
    then flush
    clean. The acids in Coke removes
    stains from vitreous china.

    #4. To
    remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers:
    Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up
    piece of Reynolds
    Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

    #5. To clean
    corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour
    a can of Coca-Cola over the
    terminals to bubble
    away the corrosion.

    #6. To loosen a rusted bolt:
    Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola
    to the rusted bolt for several

    #7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into
    baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake.
    Thirty minutes before
    ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the
    drippings to mix
    with the
    Coke for a
    sumptuous brown gravy.

    #8. To remove grease from clothes:
    Empty a can of Coke
    into the load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and
    through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen
    grease stains.
    It will also clean road haze from your


    #1. the active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid.
    It will
    dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoric
    acid also leaches calcium from
    bones and is a major
    contributor to the rising increase of
    #2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate)
    commercial trucks must use a hazardous Material place
    cards reserved
    for highly corrosive materials.
    #3. The distributors of Coke have been using
    it to clean
    engines of the trucks for about 20 years!
    Now the question is,
    would you like a glass of water?

    Or Coke?

  3. INTERESTING!  It really makes you think if soda is worth drinking.  I'm just glad I was able to stopped my addiction to it years ago. Cool glass of water, anyone?

    B*U*S*T* wrote: New Message on B*U*S*T*
    Simple Cures, Simple Preventions

      Recommend Message 3 in Discussion From: ALTPresident1
    Coke or water?
    Is all of this factual?????

    75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
    (Likely applies to half the world population.)

    #2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak
    that it is mistaken for

    #3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as 3%.

    #4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs
    for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of
    Washington study.

    #5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

    #6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of
    water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain
    for up to 80%
