I don't understand why someone in the internet would tag me a Democrat when I AM NOT! My dear friends out there you know it was the exact opposite. That I consider myself a die-hard Republican down to the bone. Whosoever put it there is being a fool. I hope it would be deleted by that person.

I don't like ( for lack of a better word) the Democrats. More now more than ever. The reason? The tragedy in Tucson that happened last Saturday, January 8, 2011. The Democrats, liberal pundits, their sympathizers and bias mainstream media "never miss an opportunity to never miss an opportunity", quoting the words of Israeli diplomat Abba Eban -- with a twist. I am just so disgusted because there's no rhyme nor reason to blame Sarah Palin, Tea Party (I might have heard from the wrong person but I think the father of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords blamed the party in an interview? I apologize in advance if I was wrong) and talk radio. Include the recorded voice of the sheriff of Tucson. What a character! I thank my lucky star I did not meet him while driving through his town. I wholeheartedly concur with all the outspoken defenders of the unjust and unfair condemnation of these people. Each and every of their words and opinions are my sentiments exactly. Just exactly what I wanted to hear. Thanks for pointing and counterpointing that none was so much maligned and so venomously attacked by the Democrats, political and otherwise, in my adult lifetime, than former President George W. Bush. They were salivating with glee while the toxic rhetorics were going on and at the same time, their silence of agreement was so defeaning. Up to this day, this very moment, we are reminded of their humiliating videos of Bush on YouTube and in the liberal blogosphere. In contrast, the Republicans/Conservatives are more civilized and honorable decent people. Take for instance, the talk show host Rush Limbaugh: I have been a regular listener in Chicago for more than 20 years http://www.wlsam.com/ http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/ and myself as my witness, I never heard him say the F and N words. The program is very informative, exposing the vices and virtues of those in political circus. And yet, and yet, the liberal pundits are constantly demonizing him in the same medium, twisting the facts. The broadcast hall of famer's popular program of 20 million listeners daily (I'm one of them) is nothing but a totally supreme excellence in broadcasting.
Right on, right on!
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