Ahhhh, I remember it well...the viciousness and meanness of Democrats and Bush-haters. How popular Hollywood celebrities, comedians and liberal mainstream media made fun and mocked George W. Wherever you go, in every website you clicked, there's that ever present aura of hate against him that I don't understand still up to these days. I know the bad words and cartoons didn't bother George W because his character is beyond exemplary. Unlike his successor, Barack Hussein Obama, who never stopped blaming him in every opportune moment. Let's face it, he was elected because of good marketing, packaging and hypes. And he's part-black and part-white. Very good for American history.
Well, folks, it's equal time. This here photo particularly cheer me up. To quote the Bush-haters at BHO's presidential coronation, before and after, "I could not wait for him to go." May I add Pelosi, Boxer, & Reid should quit, too.

Right now, all I can do is dream, dream, dream.
Hey, wake me up when the long nightmare is over!
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