There is no one to blame for the sorry mess that we are in but the American voters who voted for the Democrats in 2006 in both houses of Congress and for the elitist Obama in 2008 . I wrote then that if there is no check and balance in Congress nothing is going to fly. The moment the Democrats took over in 2006 everything went down the toilet. The economy begun tanking and the subprime housing all went underwater. Hey, people, it was the Democrats who are the brains in giving free mortgage to the poor. A house in every pot! No one would believe me in my prediction. Friends would not listen. Crap! Me who had the sixth sense to predict that electing Obama by pure cool hype alone and popularity with the black folks and Hollywood celebrities and his ilks of academic elites would just bring down America to the brink of bankruptcy. Just because he went to Ivy League schools and his administration being composed of liberal intelligentsia they thought they can cure what's ailing America just by saying Yes We Can or Change. The bias mainstream media, we know who they are, insulted Sarah Palin (who had more experience than Obama in my opinion) just because she's not a lawyer and did not attend Harvard but went to community college with no help from the government. My advise to future political candidates, get a law degree and maybe get a semblance of civility from the press. Do not go to community colleges. In few more months, this coming November, the American voters should say "You're Fired" to the Democrats - Pelosi, Boxer, Reid in particular. For six years (2001-2006) under the great Bush Administration everything is happy days with good economy considering the 9/11 tragedy and dotcom bubble and 4.9 % job unemployment only. How about "Mr. Cool" Obama? His hometown Chicago has the highest crime with 52 deaths in one weekend alone. He did not seem to care. He's cool! The BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico - where for 90 days or so there seem to be no urgency in stopping the gushling of crude oil. He's cool! Well, well, look at that?! It's curious to know it's Obama's birthday and yet First Lady Michelle, Sasha & their grand entourage went to Spain's Costa del Sol instead. But I was not surprised why a loving family would not celebrate their daddy's birthday. Obama. with parents no longer around and was raised by grandma so birthday is really but just like any ordinary day. Am I wrong in my psychoanalysis? Nothing wrong with that because sometime I feel like not celebrating my birthday with anyone also. And because you know what, anyone who would seat for 20 years to listen to the ranting of Rev. Jeremiah Wright has something wired wrong inside their head. How about Professor Bill Ayres, soon retiring, to light the birthday candles? No? Okey, then. May I add I won't be surprised if former Gov. Rod Blagojevich will go scot-free because he has something in common with Obama - fundraiser Tony Rezko. Gotcha! Why did the State Attorney General Fitzgerald suddenly put the caboose on Blagojevich and put a stop to his foul mouth? Because the Chicago tentacles are almost grasping the neck of Obama. Oh yeah, oh yeah, that was the thinking of the suspicious minds but no one would say it. Let's protect the president.
Next time, American people, elect someone who's born a leader not one who's doing an on-the-job training as president. One who's got experience in both theoretical and practical. One who would vote yes or no, not "present." One who can make extemporaneous speech, not through teleprompter.
George W may not be a good speaker but he makes it up by speaking from the heart with the common people.
As long as Obama is the president America will stay in the abyss.

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