Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Maze: Beijing

China was the name given by foreigners when it was under the dynasty named Ch'in.  The Ch'in ruler, Shih Huang Ti, broke up the feudal states that grew up during the Chou dynasty.  The Great Wall of China was built to keep out the Tartars, completed in 221 - 207 B.C.  He was determined that his rule should go down in history as the beginning of the Chinese empire.  The Han dynasty ruled from 202 B.C. until 220 A.D.; paper and porcelain invented.

Dynasty A.D.

581 - 617  Sui
618 - 906  T'ang
960 - 1279  Sung
1260 - 1368  Yuan  [Mongols ruled by Genghis khan and Kublai Khan; Marco Polo visited]
1368 - 1644  Ming
1644 - 1912  Ch'ing  [Manchus conquered China]

The first dynasty was the Hsia, around 2205 B.C.  It was followed by the Shang dynasty which ruled until about 1028 B.C.  The Shang rulers were followed by the Chou dynasty, ruled from 1027 to 256 B.C, and the founders of Chinese philosophy Confucius and Lao-tse lived during this period.

Human bones dug up near Peking (Beijing) have led many scientists to believe that the Peking Man, who lived 500,000 years ago, was one of the ancestors of the people who lived in modern north China.

Internet Publication:

6/12/10  lib'slabyrinth blogspot
11/2006  ALT  MSN Group

Inside the Forbidden City

Tiananmen Square

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