Monday, April 12, 2010

Capitalist Ms. Piggy Fiscal Conservative 2010

Reminder: Always live within your means.  Be fiscally conservative.  Do not live on credit cards.  Stretch your money as far as you can!  Like I did.

Do not trust the ObamaMoney.  My Big Brother Napoleon informed me that Uncle Sam can always print money even if there's no money in the U.S. Treasury.   Trust in God only!
The ObamaMoney has replaced the $3 BubbaBill Money.  Here's what it looks like, a lot of bogus money are being passed around...

Most of our friends have lost their jobs.  And they are receiving unemployment checks.  In this economic recession, they will never get back their job.  Why? Most company managements have a way of kicking you out.  What are those?  Those are:
1.  Just as soon you reach your retirement age, your company will fire you.  Forfeiting everything including your healthcare benefit.
2.  The company will "help" find you employment to somewhere where it's so far away to drive that you have to say no.
3.  You may be the "Employee of the Year" but it's of no consequence.  Your immediate supervisor will find a way and one of this is give you poor employee evaluation.
4.  You're ready to be fired when everything you do is being criticized.
5.  Your company will file for bankruptcy. And pocket millions.

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