In the Trojan War, King Agamemnon had a secret weapon. His name is Achilles. He fought on the Greek side on and off against Troy. This mighty warrior is the son of Peleus and sea nymph Thetis. She tried to make him deathless by putting the baby Achilles in fire by night. She is said to have dipped him in River STYX, but she did not wet the heel by which she held him. It was not so successful after all. Thus he could only be killed by a wound in the heel. Achilles was killed fatally by Hector and Apollo when an arrow struck his heel. After the fall of Troy, King Agamemnon went back to Mycenae. On the day he got home, his wife Clytemnestra and her loverboy Aegisthus killed him. Agamemnon's son Orestes avenged his murder by killing them.
Mycenae was a city in prehistoric Greece located 6 miles northeast of Argos in the Peloponessus. It was first inhabited about 3000 B.C. It is called the City of Agamemnon in Homer's Iliad. The city contained a walled citadel with a famous gate, called Lion's Gate which is still standing. The palaces of the King and Queen stood inside the walls. So did the famous "beehive" tombs. Mycenae rose to its golden height of power and influence between 1600 and 1150 B.C.
Golden Memories of Mycenae 00:57
City rich in gold. *Homer
The golden treasures of King Agamemnon.
Treasury of Atreus
Tholos or "beehive tomb" dubbed Tomb of Agamemnon was built in 1350 and 1250 B.C. Parts of the sculpted decoration are today in the British Museum, London and National Archaeological Museum, Athens.
Dromos (Passage)
Stomion (Entrance)
Tholos (Vaulted Chamber)
Royalty "beehive" Tomb |
Magnificent Lion's Gate

The German archeologist Heinrich Schliemann, unearthed the first remains of Aegean Civilization at Troy in 1871. Photos of his excavations are displayed at Mycenae Archeological Museum. Excavation by Schliemann and others have found gold jewelry, vases and valuable works of art.
I can dig it!
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6/1/10 lib's labyrinth blogspot
10/2005 ALT MSN Group
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