AMERICANS SHOULD BE THANKFUL THAT THERE'S NO PRESIDENTIAL 3rd TERM. OR ELSE OBAMA WOULD BE RE-ELECTED JUST BECAUSE OF HIS RACE ALONE AND NOTHING ELSE. Moreover, the Barack Obama Presidential Library should be built in Chicago, Illinois and not in Honolulu, Hawaii. He's got a long, long list of millionaires every square miles of the city and all over the United States. What?! Taxpayers will pay for his library? I said to myself, self, donations should be voluntary. Mercy, mercy me!
[Forwarded in my Inbox]
Recycled Web Page- This blogspot always on recycle ;) 10/8/13

He was elected President of the United States of America because it was meant to be. A man of no or very little substance it was truly an amazing accomplishment by his designing creators, election planners, and powerful political pushers. The media hypes, the internet publicities, the demonizing of his presidential and vice-presidential opponents catapulted him to unreachable heights and eventually - the presidency.
How will he be classified? Most definitely, I consider him "Present." The rest - just guess. I believe, him being a liberal Democrat, everything is a never-ending struggle between classes. That under capitalism workers do not receive return for work because capitalists keep the profit. When the United States of A. became an economically advanced country, the results were the rise of collective bargaining rights for workers, social legislations that improved conditions for the citizens, and government-sponsored social security and health programs. In his socialist view and the Democrats, all industries should be controlled by the state and not by individuals. Having said all of the aforementioned thoughts, I don't think I'm even that close.
As a foreign-born American, I have thought of King Philip II of Spain -- the namesake of my nativeland - the Philippines. His reign marked the beginning of the destruction of Spain as a world empire. As a king he was very much under the influence of the Grand Inquisitor during the Inquisition and the Catholic church. Obama's creators are the mainstream media, the influential capitalists and the corporate moguls. Back to Philip, although he broke the power of the Turks and later conquered Portugal, the costly war hurt the commerce so badly that the country never fully recovered. Years later, he sent the Spanish Armada against England, forever shattering Spain as a sea power when it was defeated. Likewise, the Obama administration is tithering on the precipice of destruction - the trillion deficits, the almost bankrupt treasury, high unemployment and high gas rates. He has no credible plans and programs except follow the dictates of his creators. He kicked off his presidential re-election campaign a few weeks ago. That is all he is good for. He's been campaigning since he took office and leaving the asinine duties to his disciples. Perhaps, he'll be re-elected to a second term to fulfill the prophecy that the United States of A. will not be a supreme power at the end of his second term. I do hope American voters living in the high electoral voting states of New York, California, Florida, Ohio and Illinois will not be blinded the second time. It's hard to predict because America has a new demography of people, immigrants who came from poor countries, and who tend to greatly depend on social and welfare programs. They tend by volition or intimidation (belonging to teacher and labor unions) to vote Democrats.
The legacy of Obama might possibly be that he was the president when America was no longer number 1.
Let's twist history and pray for a new leader.

Published 4/27/11 lib's labyrinth
Web Page: The Obama Legacy
A new addition to his legacy - a notch in the belt of Commander-in-Chief Barack H. Obama:
ReplyDeleteUnder his watch, Al Qaeda Spiritual Leader OSAMA was terminated. He got the big kahona that was denied of Presidents Clinton and Bush! It's like opening a very tight cap on a glass jar. You keep twisting and twisting and turning and turning but no dice. You give it to someone and voila, just like that, it opens.