Published 3/26/14 lib's labyrinth blogspot
KILLING ME SOFTLY OBAMACARE enrollment deadline has been extended to April 15, 2014. What a crapola!
OKEDOKE OBAMA! YES WE CAN! A healthcare for everyone. Really?!
It may work in Socialist Europe & Canada but no way in good old USA. With so much diversity and population of more than 300 million people (whereas those countries mentioned have low population and few mixed races), this utopic ObamaCare is never ever going to succeed. Wait in 4 years - inflation is going to eat the whole caboodle.
US Commander Obama just signed the nuclear treaty with his counterpart Medvedev. Ex-Governor Sarah Palin praised Obama's expertise in his vast knowledge of nuclear armaments. Bam!!!! Tell me true, figure this, would you sign this?
RUSSIA: 14,000
USA: 10,400
To destroy one-third each. Russia is still ahead, fool! Beside, we need nuclear warheads to bust a big asteroid colliding with earth in the future.
I hope the Republicans in Congress won't ratify this treaty.
Next, Attorney Obama is going to nominate his chosen justice of Supreme Court to replace the retiring Justice Stevens. For sure, one of his many accomplishments, he went to Harvard remember, Obama is going to select: "Not by appearance shall he/she judge, and not by hearsay shall he decide."
Published 4/11/10 altgroup multiply
Web Page: Doctor Obama Commander
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