UNITED STATES OF A DEBT $19 TRILLION Ballooning from $7 trillion to $19 trillion in just 6 years !!!
Recycled Web Page
The stock market is going up and down since the spring of 2000. If you're wise and savvy with your money you are probably half a millionaire now. Tough luck if you put your money in one basket. My godfather and rich uncle who was an inventor would diversify his portfolio. He would put his money in different banks just in case the local bank goes down the tank.
If you have lost money during the past year or so and if you're a short term investor - cut your losses, take out your money. Temporarily put your money under your mattress or futon and sleep over it. Better still, lend it to somebody (not a friend or close relative for you don't want to break a childhood or long time friendship) at an exorbitant interest, say 18%?
If you're a long time investor of 401k, 403b and TSA, leave it in the company to grow like a money tree, Have roots. Fidelity, I heard, is a good one. Do a follow up now and then. Go to http://www.morningstar.com and check the companies.
If you're single, you do NOT need a life insurance (this is according to advocate Ralph Nader). What for? When you die, that's your ultimate destiny, you can't take it to heaven, the Elysian Fields, Valhalla, paradise and wherever. If you're married with children and you love your family, buy a 100,000 or 1 million life insurance. The loved ones or loved once you left behind will fondly remember you and ask the Oblates to pray for you forever and ever.
Not in original web page --[This is a story I've just read: A man pleaded with God to allow him to bring something with him to heaven at the time of his death. God allowed the request. The man decided to bring a bag of gold he had accumulated a lifetime. Now, as you may remember if you're a Bible reader or don't know, in the Book of Revelation, we are told that the streets of heaven are paved with gold. So when the man arrives in heaven, St. Peter greets him at the pearly gate and says: "Why are you carrying aound that heavy bag of pavement?"]
CD rates are down. Put your savings in money market, at least the interest is 3.20%.
It's a vicious cycle. The world is so different with variable macro economics. Even the economic professor who won the Noble Prize is stomped. When the Republicans are in office, they tighten the money belt. Citizens will then elect a Democrat president who'll allow banks to lend money to everybody. Then everybody will go bankrupt. The economy is in the red. Out of work and laid off citizens will elect a Republican president this time. Not everyone can just borrow money from the bank. You'll be screened right down to what's in your refrigerator. Now the economy is improving you see. Just as it's getting on the right tract, what do the stupid voters do (this is for you senior citizens folks in Florida). They vote Democrat. Round and round we go.
This is new. Investment companies are charging a small fee for giving your money to them. Besides the fee that they charge for managing your money. This is what I saw in my statement this week. Capitalism in action, my man!
Previously Published 2003 ALT MSN Groups
Web Page: Capitalist Ms. Piggy
Published 4/5/10 altgroup multiply
Web Page: Capitalist Ms. Piggy
Published 8/17/13 lib's labyrinth blogspot
Published 8/17/13 lib's labyrinth blogspot
10 years later - the more things change, the more things remain the same. The economy is a vicious cycle. I admit I was wrong in one of my musings - even with a rotten economy, Obama was still re-elected. Now, that's Black Power!