Tuesday, August 3, 2004

Hot Politic

.... The Democratic political war
game plan of hate against President Bush and the Republican Party has been
cooking since Al-Gore lost in the electoral vote of 2000.  This has been
validated in the recent Democrat convention in the Bean Town
of Boston.  The unleashing of political evil forces of hate from the
bowels of Fleet Centre by Black speakers, past presidents, and Hollywood minor
and major celebrities have been nothing but gas explosion of bad smell. 
Really and truly, the Democratic Party is the party of hate and divisiveness.
Take for instance the Evanston Democrat congresswoman Jan Schakowsky. 
When President Bush was here in Illinois more than a week ago to inspect a
police training facility against the war on terror and campaign fundraising, who
do you think organized a protest against President Bush outside the
building?  It was the annoying congresswoman.  I wonder what happened
to her husband who was involved in some kind of money trouble or whatever. 
It was hushed up right away in the Democratic Republic of Chicago.  The
hate never stops.  The Democrats are such sore losers and so bitter they
have become so divisive and could not go beyond acceptance of having lost the
presidential election that they have rejected the cordiality and dignified
political relationship extended to them by the Bush Administration.  The
Democrats and NAACP are so disrespectful of President Bush I was so glad,
so very glad, he turned down their invitation to speak.  Let me tell
you my dear relatives and friends in Texas, California, Florida and Illinois
that the days of passive Republicans are long over.  I  could never
ever forget when the young Republicans in Florida stormed the election office
when the votes were being stolen by the Democrats.  How many times do they
have to count, double count, and triple count those Florida votes? I was so
so impressed with that show of aggressive but dignified protest.  No
vulgarity like the Hollywood stars and comedian friends of Kerry.  Their
star power has no effect on me. I have boycotted their movies, CDs and
company products.  The hate by the White and Black Democrats especially in
my home State of Illinois is so deep-rooted I have avoided these people. 
The wife of Kerry, "Shove It" Teresa, is something else.  Some of the
A.L.T. officers and I think this woman does not come across as likable or
even fit to be a First Lady.  Is my hearing correct?  I was watching
NBC NEWS with Tom Brokaw during the Democratic Convention and he specially
mentioned ("Shove It") Teresa who's worth $1 billion was a humanitarian and gave
a $250,000 grant.  Don't you think for such enormous wealth that money is
way too paltry?  Next time I'd like to hear $500,000 or a million dollars
donated to as many as charities as possible.

No doubt, the liberal media in the Democratic
stronghold of New York, Chicago and Los Angeles want their boy Kerry to be
elected president and be in the White House come January, 2005.  Ain't
gonna happen my dear relatives and friends.  The rest of the American
people are not fools.  In the DNC, Kerry did not mention his record in
Congress as senator for 20 years.  Don't you think if you were the
presidential candidate you'd mention and enumerate in your speech your greatest
accomplishments to the American people?  Yes....he reported for duty but
missed reporting for duty in Congress to vote on very important legislative
issues of social, economic and military issues.  If ever he voted
- he voted LEFT.  None was said in his speech.  Another thing of
semi-important issue is the Gay-Lesbian groups who are Democrats. 
Where are these advocates?  What happened to them?  Why did they
become so silent so fast?  It was their time to shine and raise their
agenda. Their chance to voice their protest.  Get a promise of support from
the candidate they love.  I'd like to know why the Gays let go of this

Then the Democrats and liberal media were so full of
praise of the Bill Clinton speech.  Nothing this man say will ever impress
me as a private citizen.  Maybe because I'm just a foreign
born political observer (FBPO). Having born on the other side of the
fence, you usually see through the transparency.  The Islamic militants had
the perception of weakness of America during the Clintonian Era.  And yet,
in his speech the Democrats can do better.  Hello?  Do not believe an
iota that the world loved America before Bush became a president and that the
world hated America after Bush became a president.  The rest of the world
will always be envious and of course hate America - the lone superpower. 
Such is the fanaticism and ideology of these terrorists.  If America was so
loved by the world during the Clintonian Era, as Kerry claimed, why then we were
attacked on 9/11?  Because of, as the much-admired VP Dick Cheney said,
"the perception of weakness."  President Bush did the right thing and again
I was glad to hear yesterday of his resolve and determination to defend
this country even if heaven falls.  Let's face it....the Democrats are
sissies on defense.  Kerry is admittedly a war hero but his records show
the opposite. 

One thing that is being communicated to the whole world
right now is that America will never whole-heartedly trust again and that since
9/11 it will be extremely difficult for such thing to happen again because the
trust was forever broken.  I am for the Patriot Act and it's not really
what is being falsely said by civil liberty activists.

Then there was the Edwards mantra of two America. 
There are really many America not one or two.  Edwards and the Democrats
created the two America for being hateful and divisive.  They are the angry
Americans and they admit it with pride.


  1. Hi, ALTPresident1:  You must have a hot website.  I agree with what you say 100%.

  2. The Elephants
    Are Coming....
    To the Republican National Convention in the Big
    Apple.  Just like the Olympic Games, they appear every 4 years and present
    to the American people their personal best in politics.  The political
    players of the GRAND OLD PARTY (GOP) will present their star player and wonder
    boy - GEORGE W. BUSH and right-arm man DICK CHENEY.  Of course, like in any exciting play,
    there are the villains - the liberal Democrats activists and unruly
    organizations of all kinds that are going to demonstrate and create chaos in the
    streets of New York and around Madison Square Garden.  They will be taking
    a big bite and wasting the police manpower and money of the already over
    burdened city still reeling from the tragedy of 9/11.  But just like any
    other great city of the world it will survive the assault that will be
    heaped upon its door and the GOP Republicans will withstand it too.  Unlike
    his presidential opponent who never passed a single and authored a legislation
    in his 20 years of being a senator in Congress, GEORGE W.
    BUSH will present to the American people his greatest
    accomplishments in his three in a half years of working in the Executive
    Office.  He will not rehash the still painful Vietnam War experience of
    many soldiers just to show he'll be a big shot war president.  The Purple
    Heart and Bronze Medals of his presidential opponent are questionable
    considering he racked them up in just 4 months of duty in the Navy while his
    fellow band of brothers who served longer than him and with equal valor never
    got pinned with a single medal just a patch or merit.  Could it be because
    he came from a rich and prominent family while his war buddies came from the
    coal mines and cornfields of rural America?  What did his presidential
    opponent do with the medals?   He threw them in the steps of Congress
    or wherever and then he did not.  Confusing.  And now he has sunk to a
    new low - threatening innocent GEORGE W. BUSH
    to shut up or else of campaign ads questioning some aspects of his war
    GOP Symbol....The elephant
    is a most extraordinary amazing animal and the adored symbol of the Republican
    Party.  It is the most awesome and interesting of all large animal second
    only to man.  The earliest use of elephants was for war and in the case of
    the GOP for purpose of political war.  King Porus of India used them in
    fighting against Alexander The Great.  Hannibal took 37 elephants with him
    across the Alps into Italy to fight the Romans (A young man from Chicago missed
    the answer to the question what animal Hannibal used in crossing the Alps in the
    hit-TV game show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire with
    favorite host Regis Philbin who just etched his name in the Guinness World Book
    of Records as the time most spent on TV - 15,300 hours.  Elephants are
    considered sacred by the Hindus and The King of Siam offered to send President
    Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, elephants as gift.  Elephants are royal -
    the great castles of Denmark are decorated with painting of elephants. They are
    called pachyderms, which means thick-skinned (1 inch) but sensitive.  The
    elephants see poorly because of their small eyes but their hearing is good and
    no animal has a better nose (trunk).  Like the elephants, the GOP
    Republicans are constantly sniffing for

  3. Dear ALT Wizard: If Bush's presidential opponent reported for duty to the Democratic Convention by swiftboat through Charles River, do you think Bush will ride an elephant as his grand entrance to the Republican Convention in New York?  Not in a million years!  Comedians like Jay Leno will have a field day.

  4. This is a required knowledge to all  old
    and new voters - YOU be Democrats, Independents and
    Republicans.  Question: WHAT DID JOHN F. KERRY DO FOR YOU WHILE IN
    CONGRESS?  By the end of this message you will be too intelligent to be
    fooled by any one.  Feel free to correct me because the truth shall set
    both of us FREE!


    MILITARY = 0


    MEDICARE = 0
    EDUCATION = 0 / F+
    & NADA

  5. My comment - I have to search Kerry's records.  How did this guy got to be a candidate?

  6.       Al Gore is solely to
    blame for the lack of bipartisanship and divisiveness in America today. 

    His not being gracious in defeat in the election of
    2000 fueled the emotions of hatred against
    Bush.  It's time and it's not too late for him to tell his fellow Democrats to finally
    accept the
    presidency that was not for
    him but for the man of destiny - George W. Bush.  Please let go

    of the hate Al Gore and the
    others will follow.  Please  STOP the propagation of your hate
    and bitterness.  It's not too late to do the right thing and tell your followers to
    STOP the hate.

  7.   Day 1:  This is really cute.  The day opened at the Grand Old Party at the Madison Square Garden in New York City with a loud elephant fanfare.  Whoever thought of this in the Republican National Committee ought to be commended.    

  8. Sis: Watch the Republican Convention on PBS.  No commercial.  I'll watch on FOX cable.                                     

  9. My Dear Fellow Republican A.L.T. Officers and
    Members and California Democrats....
    I have many relatives in
    California, so many I could not remember their names.  As you know,
    California has always voted for the Democrats because of its many dominant
    minorities - Asian immigrants, Blacks and other Hispanics - that are
    benefiting from many generous social programs.  In the 80's, my uncle was
    an accountant in one of welfare offices in Los Angeles.  At the time
    there were many Vietnamese that immigrated to California, Texas and
    Louisiana.  My uncle said that some of them have money but they still
    go on welfare.  This is also true with other immigrants.  http://groups.msn.com/AssociationofLaboratoryTechnologists/worldcitizens.msnw
     The Vietnamese are hardworking, have their own strong local
    community and are successful mostly in business. Being the world's 6th
    largest economy, it's such a rich and progressive state it can afford many
    social, cultural and economic programs.  California has a new Republican
    Governor - Arnold Schwarzenegger - who's trying hard to balance the deficit by
    cutting some programs.  He cut the flow of money to the Special Olympics -
    the pet charity of his mother-in-law - Jean Kennedy Shriver.  Oops!
    Maria...Maria...there's a wife name Maria.  He had to repeal it.  He
    had to go somewhere.  He cut the benefits of the California
    Filipino-American Veterans.  Oops!  He hit a roadblock.  He had
    to repeal it.  I have to SYMPATHIZE with the Gubernator - he's just trying
    to balance the mismanaged state budget - cleaning up the mess left behind
    by former Democrat Governor Gray Davis.  He'll find a way for he's not
    a 'Girlie-Man.'  Two days ago I received a letter from Dr. Angelita A.
    Ecarma - a fellow Thomasian.  I have never met her but she probably heard
    of my choice of political party from USTPMTBBAA officers and members.  I
    think with California having a Republican Governor and voters getting more
    well-informed and knowledgeable with the Democrats agenda (TAX THIS! & WHY
    MORE TAXES?) there might be a chance of a lifetime to sway the electorate to the
    Republican Party.  Let me share with you her message....
    Letter to the Editor:
    Dear Sir:
     I'm a registered Democrat, however I'll vote for President Bush &
    President Bush is being criticized for the Afghan & Iraq Wars. 
    Sometimes war is
    justifiable, necessary & humanitarian.  I'm Filipino-American, because
    of the 1898

  10. FYI - Maria lives in San Francisco.  Give her a call.
