Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cough Syrup


Are your lungs congested?  Are you coughing that friends turn their face away from you?  Pharmaceutical cough syrups could be quite expensive.  There's one traditional  recipe you can make.  You can make your own cough syrup by slicing an onion and covering the slices with sugar or honey.  The sugar  sucks the juice out of the onion and makes a clear syrup.  One tablespoon makes the medicine go down or use more as needed.  You'll feel much better.  The taste is like caramelized onions and almost yummy. 
Although there's no connection with coughing, caramelized onions, one of the ingredients in Pub Sanchwich is what makes it 'my' favorite sandwich.  Of course, with blue cheese, also. 
The old and Great Hippocrates of Cos ancient prescription for all maladies and ailments is honey.  Superfoods onion and honey are active against some microbes, including Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas and Candida.  American settlers used the juice of roasted onion to treat children with croup and soothe cough in the mid-18th century.

Father of Medicine

Honey B

Superfood Onion

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