The long standing feud between the Aquino and Marcos families is not that simple to just reconcile, according to Malacanang Palace spokesman Herminio Coloma Jr. It was in response to the attempt of Sen. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. to end the hostilities between the two.
US envoy to the Philippines Philip Goldberg was not convinced that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has reached the Philippines - with the showing of Abu Sayyaf group video. He said, "I would urge people to take all that (alleged involvement) with the grain of salt."
The Philippine National Police (PNP) is closely monitoring threat groups to ensure peace and order, especially with the upcoming visit of Pope Francis in early January 2015.
The influential Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) through Archbishop Socrates Villegas appealed to every Filipino to extend a hearty and warm welcome to Pope Francis. Villegas said, "When Pope Francis comes, he will show us the face of God. When the Pope sees us Filipinos, may he see the living God in us."
The family, mother Julita and sisters Marilou and Michelle, of slain transgender Jeffrey "Jennifer" Laude joined suits against the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), questioning the government's military agreement with the United States. It was signed by officials of both countries last April.
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu visited the Philippines Monday, November 17, 2014. He went to Lukban Elementary School in Paco, Manila and donated computers to the school. He was the first Turkish premier to visit the Philippines.
The Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) is always on top as one of the worst airports in the world. Tourism advocate is seeking improvement of facilities for the safety of local and foreign air passengers in order to be internationally competitive.
Global Source, a respected think tank, made a forecast that the Philippine government's 7% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth will not be met due to continued drop in non-interest expenditures, expected severe power problems and continued congestion at the Port of Manila. Hopes remain that the economy will outperform the 6.4% second quarter GDP growth rate in the next quarters. Nevertheless, it goes to show the Philippines is no longer "the sick man of Asia."
The Philippines is expected to sustain accelerated growth and lead Southeast Asia in the next five years according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The OECD growth forecast for ASEAN-5:
Philippines 6.2%
Indonesia 6.0%
Vietnam 5.7%
Malaysia 5.6%
Thailand 4.1%
India, the world's third largest economy, intends to pursue measures that aim to enhance bilateral trade and investment ties with the Philippines. India Ambassador to Manila Lalduhthlana Ralte said, "Trade and investment has not fully realized its potential."
Google is launching Public Alerts in the Philippines to make accurate and relevant alerts more accessible during typhoon season. The Philippines is one of the most typhoon stricken countries in the world, with an average of 20 tropical storms making landfall each year, said Meryl Stone, head of Partnerships for Google Crisis Response. Tools include Person Finder, Crisis Maps and storm path information.
The Pacquiao-Mayweather hoopla has been going on for the past several years - with roadblocks such as drug testing, purse sharing, personal grudges and other controversies. Pacquiao, fresh from defending his championship belt against Algieri, is willing to give a little bit to make the negotiation start again.
Boxing Champ/Congressman/Movie Star Pacquiao, if asked by Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger to star with them in the film "Expendables" would be opened to the idea to join them in the big screen...if not "too busy."
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