2012 Issue
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FURIOUS. As a Foreign Born Observer and an American, the SOBs in
the mainstream media are in maximum force in attacking President Bush
and his administration. Since the beginning they have been saying "Bush is
the one to blame" from every little thing and everything. Well, no
surprise. Bleeding heart liberals, opportunistic politicians,
environmental wackos and media Bush-haters are in full-attack mode and
doing what they do best - grandstanding, selling newspapers, fueling the fire of
hatred, that heads have to be chopped of - but doing nothing except talk,
talk, talk. Of all people, they should know the Federal Government will
always be mired in bureaucracy. Help will always be there but will always
take time. After all it's a large nation of 50 states. That's why
living in a democratic society is not always perfect but nevertheless in my
opinion still far better than dictatorship.
FURIOUS. As a Foreign Born Observer and an American, the SOBs in
the mainstream media are in maximum force in attacking President Bush
and his administration. Since the beginning they have been saying "Bush is
the one to blame" from every little thing and everything. Well, no
surprise. Bleeding heart liberals, opportunistic politicians,
environmental wackos and media Bush-haters are in full-attack mode and
doing what they do best - grandstanding, selling newspapers, fueling the fire of
hatred, that heads have to be chopped of - but doing nothing except talk,
talk, talk. Of all people, they should know the Federal Government will
always be mired in bureaucracy. Help will always be there but will always
take time. After all it's a large nation of 50 states. That's why
living in a democratic society is not always perfect but nevertheless in my
opinion still far better than dictatorship.
For these SOBs to
point the faulty finger of fate on President Bush and ignoring the lack of
leadership, incompetence and foresight by the mayor, aldermen and governor
of Louisiana is being unreasonable and stupid. Where are all these people
who's supposed to be in charge in the Superdome and Convention
Center? They should be leading, rallying, giving comfort and
praying with the people. I may never know what actually happen for in
interviews they are already covering their butt. But this I know,,, I
understand my first responsibility is always to myself. I think and
plan for myself for the moment. That I cannot always depend on the Federal
Government. The people is the government. I am the
government. I also know as long as help is coming I will not lose
point the faulty finger of fate on President Bush and ignoring the lack of
leadership, incompetence and foresight by the mayor, aldermen and governor
of Louisiana is being unreasonable and stupid. Where are all these people
who's supposed to be in charge in the Superdome and Convention
Center? They should be leading, rallying, giving comfort and
praying with the people. I may never know what actually happen for in
interviews they are already covering their butt. But this I know,,, I
understand my first responsibility is always to myself. I think and
plan for myself for the moment. That I cannot always depend on the Federal
Government. The people is the government. I am the
government. I also know as long as help is coming I will not lose
The SOBs in the media who are protecting the
looters are wrong. These people are nothing but the scum of the
looters are wrong. These people are nothing but the scum of the
When I was in New
Orleans vacationing with my family (Hi Manong, Marilou and Nanay) we went to the
train station after having coffee and delicious hot beignet at Café Du Monde ( I
was watching Chicago CBS 2 Morning TV News Saturday - the café is gone).
Why on August 29, Monday, the responsible city officials did not bring the sick
and the big fat people (I've never seen so many fat people in my whole
life) and the poor who don't have cars, were not brought to the train
station and transported to other states - Georgia, Tennessee, Chicago and
wherever the train is passing. Hitler made so much use of
trains. Bussing small number of people costs so much
gas. In time of trouble the separation of states should be waived and
governors should help one another.
Orleans vacationing with my family (Hi Manong, Marilou and Nanay) we went to the
train station after having coffee and delicious hot beignet at Café Du Monde ( I
was watching Chicago CBS 2 Morning TV News Saturday - the café is gone).
Why on August 29, Monday, the responsible city officials did not bring the sick
and the big fat people (I've never seen so many fat people in my whole
life) and the poor who don't have cars, were not brought to the train
station and transported to other states - Georgia, Tennessee, Chicago and
wherever the train is passing. Hitler made so much use of
trains. Bussing small number of people costs so much
gas. In time of trouble the separation of states should be waived and
governors should help one another.
That's why the great
State of Texas should be commended and praised to the highest heaven for helping
the 220,000 evacuees of Louisiana.
State of Texas should be commended and praised to the highest heaven for helping
the 220,000 evacuees of Louisiana.
I've asked this
question before - why are the citizens of big urban cities always re-electing
Democrats? Maybe if they would vote Republicans things will be
better. It should also be recognized that many ordinary people tried in
their own little way to help those in need.
question before - why are the citizens of big urban cities always re-electing
Democrats? Maybe if they would vote Republicans things will be
better. It should also be recognized that many ordinary people tried in
their own little way to help those in need.
Now the mainstream media is perpetrating the
racial issue. Why are there so many poor Black Americans? This
should be asked to the Black leaders and politicians of the community.
When the Vietnamese boat people came to America they had nothing but clothes in
their back. But they worked so hard and with little welfare checks from
the US government (I knew a little about them because my uncle used to work in
the City of Los Angeles) they pulled all their resources and improved their way
of life. Now, they have many small Vietnamese communities in Houston,
Chicago and other major cities. Something is wrong here. Wherever I
go, be it to the urban city government offices, I mostly see Black
employees. The American educational systems for the poor
Blacks and Whites are more than better (computers, books, school
supplies) and far higher in standards than the rest of the Third World
including the Philippines.
racial issue. Why are there so many poor Black Americans? This
should be asked to the Black leaders and politicians of the community.
When the Vietnamese boat people came to America they had nothing but clothes in
their back. But they worked so hard and with little welfare checks from
the US government (I knew a little about them because my uncle used to work in
the City of Los Angeles) they pulled all their resources and improved their way
of life. Now, they have many small Vietnamese communities in Houston,
Chicago and other major cities. Something is wrong here. Wherever I
go, be it to the urban city government offices, I mostly see Black
employees. The American educational systems for the poor
Blacks and Whites are more than better (computers, books, school
supplies) and far higher in standards than the rest of the Third World
including the Philippines.
Having been born and
raised in the little country of the Philippines, I had my share of little
catastrophe and bad luck - my family home being on low ground was
constantly flooded from all-year round battering of typhoons and mild (if there
is such a thing) earthquake. One time, I was walking near the
sidewalk and suddenly went down a manhole because I did not see through the
dark muddy water. Big things happen to big countries such as the United
raised in the little country of the Philippines, I had my share of little
catastrophe and bad luck - my family home being on low ground was
constantly flooded from all-year round battering of typhoons and mild (if there
is such a thing) earthquake. One time, I was walking near the
sidewalk and suddenly went down a manhole because I did not see through the
dark muddy water. Big things happen to big countries such as the United
My dear relatives and friends all over the
United States, it's a known fact I don't like the mainstream media. Thanks
to you because you are so well-informed by their bias, name calling and
lies, they have not succeeded and we have re-elected President Bush for
two-terms. Also, for your information for I know you're busy
working, I have ripped the following from the pages of Bill Sammon's book
"Misunderstimated" and of course my own -
United States, it's a known fact I don't like the mainstream media. Thanks
to you because you are so well-informed by their bias, name calling and
lies, they have not succeeded and we have re-elected President Bush for
two-terms. Also, for your information for I know you're busy
working, I have ripped the following from the pages of Bill Sammon's book
"Misunderstimated" and of course my own -
- New York Time liberal editor Howell Raines
who actively worked against the war in Iraq was fired in the Jayson Blair
plagiarism scandal.
- Peter Arnett, NBC correspondent, was also dismissed in
- CNN top executive Eason Jordan who covered up Saddam
Hussein's crimes continued to lose market share to FOX.
- BBC was forced to apologize after the Lord Hutton Report
on "sexed up" prewar intelligence on Iraq. Reporter Andrew Gilligan, BBC
Editor-in-Chief, Greg Dyke and Chairman of the Board of Governors, Gavyn
- Helen Thomas (Grand Duchess and almost senile mother of
the press corps) lost her front row seat in the White House.
- Dan Rather of CBS and heir to the Cronkite throne was
removed from his anchor chair and relegated to being just a reporter in 60
Minutes out of pity and consideration for his long and dedicated
- Extreme liberal and lying newspapers like NY Times,
Newsweek, LA Times, Washington Post and Chicago Tribune are losing market
shares to computers and radios.
Owe nothing to anyone, except love one
- Saint Paul
For ALT Publication - FBO web
Published 9/4/05 ALT MSN Group
Web Page: Lessons learned Bush Attacks
Published 9/4/05 ALT MSN Group
Web Page: Lessons learned Bush Attacks