Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Historic US President

HOW TO BE A LAME DUCK PRESIDENT WITHOUT REALLY TRYING  Easy! It was a glorious victory for Barack Hussein Obama to be the first black president of the United States of America.  In a peculiar way, regardless of the feelings of those, black and white, who did not vote for him, it's about time that a multi-racial America elected someone different other than white.  It's good for history.  And history will be the judge.  Otherwise, the judging by the American people is right here, right now.  Fortunately for him, no one cares for he's the Chosen One.

Obama 44, having been re-elected last November 2013, is joining the pantheon of past lame duck presidents paralyzed by second term of scandals, either phony or trulse and embarrassing foreign policy decisions.  Just like his past predecessors he has become the target and butt of jokes by late night comedians and sourpuss losers of the other party.  Even his former spiritual advisor of 20 years, Reverend Jeremiah Wright couldn't avoid making a crack saying, "Martin Luther King had a dream, Barack Obama had a drone."


It was a terrible disappointment for the loyal supporters of the great American hero and Republican presidential nominee John McCain.  He's a better leader and more qualified.  But things happen for a reason.  History and destiny converged for U.S. President-elect Barack Hussein Obama, whose promise of change  and great expectation somehow made it possible.
The American people will all be watching how he'll do in the future without the help of the bias mainstream media, pundits, and comedians who gave him a pass in every way and who were so critical and negative of the noble and gracious John McCain and Sarah Palin.
What goes around comes around.  So many challenges and problems will be waiting for  President-elect BObama once he's in the White House.  Talking is easy.
Will Obama and sidekick Biden be able to always say 'non-negotiable?'

Published  altgroup multiply
Web Page: Historic Presidential Election

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