Wednesday, March 5, 2014

This guy isn't alone! Freeloaders



Obama Policies - total disaster!

Okedoke.  This guy isn't alone but the other opposite side isn't alone too.  What's so crazy, after almost four years 51%, including all 99% blacks, will vote for Obama again.  You know blood is thicker than water.  Romney is right - 47% of folks are on Obama's side.  I hope voters from Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin will see the light and realize how Obama's policies are a total disaster for America.  In America, there are 73% whites and 27% ethnic groups - blacks, Hispanics/Mexicans and Asians.  These immigrants came from government - supported countries and they are used to freebies, handouts and social welfare.  The bottomline is always money - so whoever gives them money, Obama money, they will surely vote for him.  These people have no shame and will throw future generations to the blackhole of debts.  I wonder how people after 2 to 3 years of getting unemployment checks would then apply for disability and be approved?  What's the secret? I thought why would you be disabled when you're just sitting pretty at home and not working?

I better do an internet search how these freeloaders do it.
 Symbol of a political partyPolitical button saying, 'Vote'

Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 07:38:28 -0700
From: rqp
Subject: Fw: This guy isn't alone!

Subject: Watch before this is required to be taken down---

I think this guy is saying what a lot of us are thinking.
Think this guy is pissed? Click here: Are You Kidding Me

Published  9/19/12  altgroup multiply
Web Page:  This guy isn't alone! Freeloaders

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