Friday, February 21, 2014

Chicago a Go Go


West Virginia  Number 50  :(   But almost heaven ...

C H I C A G O   F R O M   A C R O S S   L A K E   M I C H I G A N


Parade Friday June 28, 2013  Sunny Day

Published 12/1/11 ALT Group Multiply
Web Page: RE: Chicago, my kind of town!

If there's a must-see place in the whole of America - it's Chicago! I first moved to Chicago from my adopted hometown of Gary, Indiana after finishing my studies.  Every weekend my friends and I take the Illinois Central train to downtown Chicago to see the latest shows and fashion and eat at the cheapest but the best-tasting greasy steaks at Tad's (long gone).  We loved shopping at Marshall Field's because of the friendly, helpful and just plain nice sales people.  Those were the days.

Chicago has a rich roaring past, so rich in historic myriad of things - the people, the cultural life, the arts, the libraries and museums, the religion, the playgrounds and beaches, the zoos, the industry and commerce, the local transportation and heavy traffic, and the government.  The best of the best players in sports, the professional or otherwise, are household names - national champs Chicago Bulls, Da Bears, White Sox of the south side, and the Cubs of the north side...oops! not yet.  However, there's one significant thing that is kind of never mentioned and not bragged about by many prouds Chicagoans - it's those Al Capone days.  Come on, what is past is past.  Forgive but let's not forget.  Remembering is catharrtic.  Alphonse Capone is an infamous American gangster of the city's wild roaring 20's and 30's.  He was the big cheese and he could not be caught.  Finally, he was put in a federal prison for income tax evasion.  He died in 1947.  Like it or not it was a fascinating time.

Lake Michigan
View from the 95th floor of John Hancock Building
The Cow invasion of Chicago in 1999

Pilipinas Cow in front of the Philippine Consulate, Michigan Avennue

Trolley going to Field Museum

Water Tower
Water Filtration Plant
Buckingham Fountain
Previous Publication 2005 MSN Groups

@ World Traveler Fred

Thank you so much for the link at  I find your writings very detailed and exceptionally impressive.  It's one of my favorite websites, equal only to (e-mails with attached photos are downloaded automatically).  The best thing with is it has a partnership with blog2Print! where your writings are converted into a book.  Although quite expensive because I prefer a hardcover book of all my travels et cetera, it really, really look nice and worth the price.

I'm a "Ms. Delayed Reaction" and I had to re-read your previous message that "Chicago has everything (except for a football team) --"  Chicago has a football team - The World & Superbowl Champion Chicago Bear under former coach Mike Ditka.  "Da Bears" beat the New England Patriots in 1986 ?.  Indeed, we are a super-duper city.

Bear down, Chicago Bears

Make every play, clear the way to victory
Bear down, Chicago Bears
Put up a fight with a might so fearlessly!
We'll never forget the way you thrilled the nation
With your T-formation
Bear down, Chicago Bears
And let them know why you're wearing the crown!
You're the pride and joy of Illinois,
Chicago Bears, Bear down!!


 Close-up of the laces on a football

From: fredwulff
To: lib
Subject: Re: Chicago, my kind of town!
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 21:20:55 -0600

Good to hear from you again.

I have gone to Chicago a number of times. Back in the 1960s when I was a principle I took jr high school kids there every year, In the 1980s I used my camcorder with college students.  I do have an edited  blog that touches on the Pullman village and the Sears Tower, Click on my blog. Go down to 2000 on the archives and click on August. All six entries deal with travel tours I have led with college students.

One under Midwest has Illinois. I have more photos under Northeast that includes New York City a city I really love.
You sure have been busy making videos, I liked the carriage ride in Chicago. Keep up the travel recordings! You do a good job on them.


On Nov 30, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Lib wrote:

@ Seasoned Traveler Fred

Thank you so much for your kind words about my wonderful city of Chicago.  A very good friend of mine from Toronto, Canada visited Chicago sometime ago and was amazed how clean the city was and had no grafitti.

Have a fabulous time traveling all over the world and blogging your impressions in your website.  BTW, I probably missed it but have you written your Chicago experience?


From: fredwulff
To: lib
Subject: Re: Chicago, my kind of town!
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 18:57:07 -0600

 I share your love for that wonderful city.  Chicago has everything (except for a football team) -- Museums, aquarium, Pullman Village, Hull House,  great downtown, Palmer Hotel, etc.  I have visited at least a dozen times.
Really nice when history conventions were held there. Took architecture tour of buildings. Al Capone's Chicago is interesting. Another favorite city of mine is New York. I have conducted travel study tours there.

Appreciated your videos!! Thanks,


On Nov 29, 2011, at 10:52 AM, Lib wrote:

Dear Traveling Friends,

Forget the faces and focus on my new Chicago videos! The beautiful skyline and landline.  A shining city along Lake Michigan.

Have a good day!

From: lib

Subject: "Cito & MHS Goddesses at Magnificent Mile"
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 13:23:47 -0600

My high school batchmate Cito, Dean of Computer Engineering at Mapua Institute of Technology, visited Chicago a week ago.  He and his colleagues made a presentation at University of California, Berkeley.  He then met with school classmates and friends in Los Angeles, Oregon, San Diego and cross-country to East Coast to meet with more batchmates and a relative.  After 30 years, Dean C2 was back in Windy City Chicago.  

What a beautiful and awesome change under the former longtime Mayor of 22 years Richard M. Daley.  See the wonderful changes in my YouTube videos.  My heartfelt condolences to him and his family at the passing on Thanksgiving Day of his lovely and beloved wife Maggie, age 68, who made Chicago a constant shining city with her beautification programs and her after school matters foundation.  May God bless and keep her.

After more than a month of traveling, Dean C2 is back home in the Philippines today.

OMG! He said he'll be back in Chicago in 30 years!


From: lib

To: manilahighschoolalumni
Subject: "Cito & MHS Goddesses at Magnificent Mile"
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 14:13:12 -0600

@ MHS Batchmates

Here's the complete Dean Cito Chicago timeline in minivideo (1-2 mins):  I don't click on long videos.  Booorrrrring!

1.  Cito in the Windy City 

2.  Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows - Chicago Navy Pier
3.  Cito Visits Chicago Navy Pier 
4.  Cito & MHS Goddesses at Magnificent Mile  -- see below
5.  Leaning Tower of Pisa Plaza of Niles, Illinois 

Subject: Labtechbaby sent you a video: "Cito & MHS Goddesses at Magnificent Mile"

Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 11:29:52 -0800

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Labtechbaby has shared a video with you on YouTube:

Chicago Timeline: November 19, 2011 --- Cito & the MHS Goddesses walked mile after mile to the MAG MILE.

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Published 11/24/11 ALT Group Multiply
Web Page: MHS

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