I said to myself, self, climate change is Mother Nature's way of renewing the earth. So why environmental activists then blame human beings in not believing in climate change? Of course, there's climate change since the history of creation. Did human beings prevent earthquakes, flooding, volcanic eruptions, snowstorms among other things since the geologic changes? The earth is evolving because the population is increasing. Just because environmental scientists say so don't make it a fact and the truth. The bottomline for these people is business and money and political. I repeat, it's Mother Nature's way. Likewise, climate deniers maybe abnormal but climate changers are wackos in the head.
California: 2-year drought; Texas: Flooding
Tell me why?

Recycled Web Page
I took the carbon footprints test on a whim. As a woman's prerogative everything and anything is a whim with me. Comparing myself with hypocrite politicians and environmentalists I always pat myself in the back in being environmentally conscious and a sincere and willing participant on my own. In other words, an excellent and conscientious recycler. Good for me. Good for the environment.
My Total Estimated Emissions: 1,021 lbs per year/per person/per household
Normal average: 20,750 lbs. per year or per household
Guess whose plane this is? Queen Pelosi. Yeah, that Nancy. According from what I heard from Mark Levin, a casual user and abuser of using military planes for her family, friends and aides on flights from Washington D.C. to San Francisco, her royal kingdom, and as faraway as Copenhagen. I betcha her carbon footprints is sky high unto the black hole.
Published 2/3/10 altgroup multiply
Web Page: My Carbon Footprints
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